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本帖最后由 蓝鳍航海李航 于 2020-4-1 18:09 编辑
三年前5.20,实现了我人生的一个小目标——蓝鳍航海会暨蓝鳍帆船驿站正式开市了! 蓝鳍航海会位于中国十大最美海岛——阳江海陵岛(5A景区),是岛上唯一 帆船俱乐部,同时也是粤西唯一ASA官方国际帆船学校,就算从未上过船的您也可以亲身体验掌舵、升帆,完全依靠风力操控J80级专业赛船自由自在遨游大海、观赏海上日落。 俱乐部配套会所蓝鳍帆船驿站位于国内六大渔港闸坡渔港旁边、美丽的风车山下(紧邻十里银滩、南海一号海上丝路博物馆、大角湾泳场、马尾岛景区),可以同时满足30人会议、住宿、烧烤,适合以帆船为载体对企业单位员工进行拓展培训、团队建设,同时配有会议室、公共厨房、餐厅,周末自驾过来和家人一起去市场(最大海鲜批发市场不足一公里)买海鲜回来自己做饭最经济实惠了!作为学校配备多艘J80、fareast11、OP帆船以及多名专业帆船教练,开设ASA101、103、104、105、110等专业航海课程。
Blue fin sailing club is located in China's top ten most beautiful island - yangjiang 'island (5 a scenic area), is the only yacht club, the island is also the only official ASA international sailing in west of the school, even if has never been on a boat you can also experience at the helm, sail, depend entirely on wind control J80 level professional ship freely roam the sea, and watch the sunset on the sea. Club form a complete set of clubs bluefin sailing station, the domestic six major fishing port lock slope next to the fishing port, the beautiful windmill hill (close to ten silver beach, the south China sea a number of maritime silk road museum, big horn end, horsetail island scenic area), can simultaneously satisfy the 30 people meeting, accommodation, barbecue, and suitable for sailing as carrier for enterprises expand training, team building, at the same time equipped with kitchen, restaurant, conference rooms, public drive over the weekend to come over and his family go to the market (the largest seafood wholesale market less than a kilometer) buy seafood back cook is the most economical! As the school is equipped with more than J80, fareast11, OP sailing sailing and a number of professional coaches, open ASA101, 103, 104, 105, 110, and other professional navigation course.
接待大厅 公共厨房、餐厅,不到一公里就是闸坡最大的农贸市场,亲们可以自己买海鲜回来煮喔
培训会议室,帆船航海的理论课程可以在这里学习 后院篮球场 客房区 公共阳台(自助洗衣晾晒) 氧吧露台 观海天台 一揽闸坡渔港全貌 天麓风车山三面环绕
参观完毕,先学习下帆船航海理论,准备一会登船罗 帆船礼仪第一课:脱鞋登船 熟悉下船的结构 出航前需要全面检查,并指导全部船员穿戴求生衣 帆船航行靠舵手,在专业船长的带领下 你也可以尝试扬帆起航 帆船运动是团队运动,需要每位船员的共同默契配合,跟经营一个企业十分相似,所以越来越多的企业选择使用帆船来培养企业文化和团队精神 不过,你也要做好“湿”身的准备,最好是穿着泳衣 在帆船上,每一个镜头都是那么时尚 注:日落黄金时段请至少提前一周预约 如果你不能象他一样练过铁人三项,最好不要向船长提出要下海游泳的想法,船长是绝对不会答应的,因为他知道再会游泳的人也无法跟凶猛的海流对抗 每一次平安返航都是值得庆祝的事 出海回来肯定饿了,天台已经准备好BBQ烧烤Party 星空下DIY自助烧烤