
赛事报道 (补充通知)2016中国•柳州第六届国际内河帆船赛

来自: 山东青岛


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        2016中国·柳州第六届国际内河帆船赛补充通知 原内容:5.费用“5.1 每个参赛队交报名费5000 元人民币(包括船只使用费、船餐等)。经过组委会确认获得参赛资格的队伍,最迟需于2016年9月15日前将报名费汇入组委会指定账户(如果不能按时交纳报名费的赛队将会自动失去参赛资格);若参赛队在9月25日(含)前因故退出,则报名费将被退还;若参赛队在9月25日之后提出退赛,则赛事组委会将不会退还赛队报名费。
5.3在柳州参赛期间,本次赛事主办方提供指定住宿酒店,各支参赛队伍的食宿费用自理。所有赛队在开幕式和闭幕式期间必须穿着主办方提供的服装。。”现更改为:“5.1 每个参赛队交报名费5000 元人民币(包括船只使用费、住宿和船餐等)。经过组委会确认获得参赛资格的队伍,最迟需于2016年9月15日前将报名费汇入组委会指定账户(如果不能按时交纳报名费的赛队将会自动失去参赛资格);若参赛队在9月25日(含)前因故退出,则报名费将被退还;若参赛队在9月25日之后提出退赛,则赛事组委会将不会退还赛队报名费。        
中国·柳州国际内河帆船赛组委会2016年8月23日   2016 LIUZHOU.CHINA                        
    River Regatta CN (CHANGE NOTICE) OriginalContent:5. FEES“5.1 Entry fee for each team is RMB5,000 (Including fee of boatchartering, lunch for races& insurance etc.), in addition,team also needs to pay thedeposit RMB4,000.The teams shall remit the entryfee to nominated bank before 15th September 2016.If the team bows out before 25th September, the entry fee will berefunded. The Organizing Committee will not refund the entry feeafter that time limit. 5.3Designatedhotel is provided by OrganizingCommittee. Accommodation and meal willbe paid by participating teams themselves during the regatta in Liuzhou. All the teams needto wear the clothing provided by Organizing Committee in the opening / closingceremony.” Changes to:“5.1Entry fee for each team is RMB5,000 (Including fee of boatchartering, accommodation & lunch for racesetc.), in addition,team also needs to pay the deposit RMB 4,000.Theteams shall remit the entry fee to nominated bank before 15th September2016.Ifthe team bows out before 25thSeptember, the entry fee will be refunded. The Organizing Committee will not refund the entry feeafter thattime limit. 5.3Accommodationand lunchof the participating teams is provided by the organizing committee and sponsorsduring the regatta in Liuzhou. All the teams needto wear the clothing provided by the organizing committee in theopening / closing ceremony.”   Organizing Committee by CRRAugust 23,2016


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        2016中国·柳州第六届国际内河帆船赛补充通知 原内容:5.费用“5.1 每个参赛队交报名费5000 元人民币(包括船只使用费、船餐等)。经过组委会确认获得参赛资格的队伍,最迟需于2016年9月15日前将报名费汇入组委会指定账户(如果不能按时交纳报名费的赛队将会自动失去参赛资格);若参赛队在9月25日(含)前因故退出,则报名费将被退还;若参赛队在9月25日之后提出退赛,则赛事组委会将不会退还赛队报名费。
5.3在柳州参赛期间,本次赛事主办方提供指定住宿酒店,各支参赛队伍的食宿费用自理。所有赛队在开幕式和闭幕式期间必须穿着主办方提供的服装。。”现更改为:“5.1 每个参赛队交报名费5000 元人民币(包括船只使用费、住宿和船餐等)。经过组委会确认获得参赛资格的队伍,最迟需于2016年9月15日前将报名费汇入组委会指定账户(如果不能按时交纳报名费的赛队将会自动失去参赛资格);若参赛队在9月25日(含)前因故退出,则报名费将被退还;若参赛队在9月25日之后提出退赛,则赛事组委会将不会退还赛队报名费。        
中国·柳州国际内河帆船赛组委会2016年8月23日   2016 LIUZHOU.CHINA                        
    River Regatta CN (CHANGE NOTICE) OriginalContent:5. FEES“5.1 Entry fee for each team is RMB5,000 (Including fee of boatchartering, lunch for races& insurance etc.), in addition,team also needs to pay thedeposit RMB4,000.The teams shall remit the entryfee to nominated bank before 15th September 2016.If the team bows out before 25th September, the entry fee will berefunded. The Organizing Committee will not refund the entry feeafter that time limit. 5.3Designatedhotel is provided by OrganizingCommittee. Accommodation and meal willbe paid by participating teams themselves during the regatta in Liuzhou. All the teams needto wear the clothing provided by Organizing Committee in the opening / closingceremony.” Changes to:“5.1Entry fee for each team is RMB5,000 (Including fee of boatchartering, accommodation & lunch for racesetc.), in addition,team also needs to pay the deposit RMB 4,000.Theteams shall remit the entry fee to nominated bank before 15th September2016.Ifthe team bows out before 25thSeptember, the entry fee will be refunded. The Organizing Committee will not refund the entry feeafter thattime limit. 5.3Accommodationand lunchof the participating teams is provided by the organizing committee and sponsorsduring the regatta in Liuzhou. All the teams needto wear the clothing provided by the organizing committee in theopening / closing ceremony.”   Organizing Committee by CRRAugust 23,2016

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