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2016年10月12日,由“中国海洋公益形象大使”、“单人帆船环球航海中国第一人”翟墨先生发起的“太平洋杯国际帆船赛”在北京正式启动。此赛事是迄今为止全球首个横跨太平洋,极具风险及挑战的专业级帆船航海比赛,也是首个由中国人发起创办的顶级国际赛事。 首届“太平洋杯国际帆船赛”将于2018年冬季举行,赛事的起点和终点分别设在中国上海及美国洛杉矶,总航程约6000海里(11000公里)。比赛将采用中国帆船作为赛船,由来自世界各地的职业帆船选手组队参赛。整个赛程中途不设补给休息站,全程不间断航行,禁止使用任何电子设备,参赛选手们将采用最古老的牵星术等原始导航工具和方法进行导航。赛事选择在太平洋海域一年中风力最强的季节举办,平均风力将达到8-10级(40-50节),届时选手们将向全世界展示一场真正意义上的人类挑战极限、探索自然的世界航海体育盛事。 在“太平洋杯国际帆船赛”启动仪式上,著名航海家、艺术家、赛事发起人翟墨先生表示,他为发起筹办“太平洋杯国际帆船赛”已准备了近十年的时间。“太平洋杯国际帆船赛”源自中国,将成为首个由中国人自创、自主、自办的国际顶级航海赛事品牌。 早在翟墨先生单人环球航海期间,他就对太平洋周边的洋流、风力、气象、天文等赛事条件进行了详细的考察,并会同国内外航海专家机构进行了研讨。各方一致认为太平洋海域宽阔,办赛条件优越,周边涉及30多个国家,但目前世界上尚无一个完整横跨太平洋的国际航海赛事,而此项赛事的举办将填补世界最大洋无航海赛事的空白。另外,规范化、职业化的顶级帆船航海赛事将开创世界帆船航海运动史上的新里程和新丰碑,也将提供一个世界顶级竞技、探险、娱乐、观赏的完美舞台。 出席发布会的中华文化促进会副主席郭杰先生表示,“太平洋杯国际帆船赛”不仅将带动中国地区及世界海洋经济链的可持续发展,更能整合国家、城市、商业的国际化综合品牌形象,成为促进与世界各国友好交往的媒介、桥梁与窗口,增进与世界各国人民的友谊。 “太平洋杯国际帆船赛” 设为国际常态化赛事,每两年举办一届,将中国传统的航海文化和航海技术融为一体,届时各国参赛船队将执行中国设定的航海赛事规则,全面挑战风浪、天气、技能、智力、心理和体能的极限,首届卫冕冠军队的奖金将达1000万元人民币。 “太平洋杯国际帆船赛”的发起创办,对响应中国政府关于加快发展全民健身、竞技体育和体育产业的政策精神,推进中国与世界各国和平友好发展,建设中国国际性体育运动事业具有重要意义。 中国航海学会、中国太平洋学会、中华文化促进会等赛事支持单位,中国太平洋经济合作全国委员会、中国国际文化交流中心等相关单位,有关国家驻华使馆、国内外媒体、海内外著名航海俱乐部、社会各界知名人士等200多位嘉宾出席了本次发布会。 Launch of the world's first Trans-Pacific Yacht Race
October 12, 2016, Beijing – The Pacific Cup International Yacht Race, initiated by Zhai Mo, China’s “Oceanic Goodwill Ambassador” and the first Chinese national to sail around the world solo, was officially launched today. Designed as the world’s most risky and challenging yacht race, the inaugural Pacific Cup International Yacht Race will be held in the winter of 2018. It will start from Shanghai and end in Los Angeles with a total distance of 6,000 nautical miles (11,000 km). Chinese sailboats will be used in the event and teams from the world's top sailing clubs will be invited. Participants will only be allowed to use traditional navigation tools such as those that rely on astronomy. The use of electronic navigational equipment will be prohibited throughout the race. The timing of the event coincides with the Pacific’s windiest season which sees 8~10 gale-force winds. Under these conditions, yachts will be able to reach speeds of up to 40~50 knots. The race is designed to be the world's top professional sailing event. It aims to push the limits of human ability in the face of challenges of the natural world. During the launch ceremony, Zhai Mo, world-renowned navigator, artist and founder of the event, said that he had worked on this event for ten years. Since as early as 2007, the year he sailed around the world solo, Zhai Mo conducted detailed research on the currents, wind, weather and astronomy of the Pacific Ocean. Having then discussed the subject with both domestic and foreign experts, it was agreed that the Pacific Ocean would be the most suitable venue for a world-class race event due to its unique environmental challenges. Surprisingly, although there are more than 30 countries on the Pacific Rim, there has not been a trans-pacific sailing event until now. This event is a milestone in the history of the sailing world. Guo Jie, vice chairman of the Chinese Culture Promotion Association, added that the Pacific Cup International Yacht Race would also foster China’s growing links with the world maritime economy. Furthermore, it would also promote friendship and cooperation between people and cultures. The Pacific Cup International Yacht Race is designed to be a recurring international event that would be held every two years. Participants will be bound by a set of established race rules. Notably, participants will be required to rely on traditional maritime techniques and technology, including traditional navigational tools developed by the Chinese. A total of 10 million RMB worth of prizes will be awarded to winning teams. The Pacific Cup International Yacht Race will play a significant role in support of the Chinese’s Government’s policy of developing the national sports and fitness, as well as boosting China’s global sporting stature. The event will also promote international growth and cooperation. Supporters for this event include the Pacific Society of China, China Institute of Navigation and Chinese Culture Promotion Association. More than 200 guests attended the conference including Government leaders, diplomats from foreign embassies in China, representatives from famous sailing clubs at home and abroad, and celebrities in various sectors.