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Review of "Course to Steer" app掌舵航行APP概括
The "Course to Steer" boatingapp has particular value for sailors whose relatively slower speed through thewater is easily affected by tidal currents and the leeway of the boat in thewind. When these factors throw the boat off its ideal course straight to awaypoint or destination, experienced sailors have always learned to steer moreto one side or the other to compensate (and to avoid obstacles toward which thewind or current may move them). 掌舵航行APP对 水手们来说至关重要,尤其是在易被潮流和风力的余压差影响的慢速航行中,当这些外界因素数值偏离理想数据后,有经验的水手通常会试着将船偏向有利于他们的一侧以减少这因素对航行的不利影响。 We can tell youwhich side to steer to, you need trigonometry to calculate the actual course tosteer in order to stay on the direct shortest path to the destination. 我们可以告诉你该往哪个方向偏移,你只需要再用三角法计算出能让你保持正确达到目的地的实际航线即可。 Most of us can'tdo trig that quickly in our head, and most chartplotters don'tcalculate that. But the free Course to Steer app does the work for us. Versionreviewed: 1.5c
Available on Android Google Play Store - free (at time of testing)
Tested on Lenovo A1 Tablet running Android 2.3 大部分人不能立刻算出正确的数据,大多数的航海导航图APP也没有这个功能设置,但是现在这个免费版的掌舵航行APP就有这个功能。 版本信息:1.5C 安卓谷歌网上商城有售-测试阶段免费 已通过联想A1平板安卓2.3版本测试 What It Does它能做什么 "Course to Steer" is arelatively simple app that essentially does one thing only: when you input theappropriate variables about your boat, your course, and other factors, itcalculates for you the exact optimal course to steer to stay on the direct lineto your destination or waypoint - the best course over the ground (COG). Withit you can avoid what is often called cross-track error (the deviation fromyour intended course), which results from a current or wind taking you offcourse. 掌舵航行APP相对功能单一,它只做一件事:手动输入船体、航线和其他有用信息后,它就会为你计算出去往目的地的完美航线或路径点。有它你就能避免因实时的风力干扰导致的航线偏移而引发的联络测线错误。 It also calculates your true speed overthe ground (SOG) regardless of what your boat's knotmeter may tell you aboutyour speed through the water. 它还会记录整个航行过程中的船的实时速度,即便船上的测速仪会显示船的速度。 We create apps in any language. Call us on+44 7762 59 54 38 Once you gothrough the initial learning curve, the app is very fast and easy to use. Hereare the steps in which the user typically enters data: 我们开发多种语言版本的APP,联系我们请拨打+44 7762 59 5438 这款APP使用起来非常方便,下面是在使用的过程中需输入的一些常规数据。 1. Ground track - the direction you want to go (in true, notmagnetic, degrees) 2. Tide direction - the direction in which a tidal or othercurrent is moving (in presumably true degrees) 3. Tide rate - current speed in knots 4. Boat speed - through the water in knots 5. Wind from - direction from which the wind is coming(choose among 8 directions, or none) 6. Leeway - entered in degrees (may be confusing at first -see comment below) 7. Magnetic variation - the variation of local magneticdirection from true direction (enter this in degrees W or E - from your localchart) 8. Magnetic deviation - presumably a deviation factorrelated to your boat's compass 1、地面航迹——实际航行方向(非地磁场模式下的) 2、水流方向——潮汐方向或其他因素(大概符合真实情况即可) 3、水流速度——船上测速仪显示的实时速度 4、航行速度——水中测速仪显示的实时速度 5、风向——风吹来的反向(在8个方向中选择或一个都不选) 6、风压差——按大小输入(刚开始使用会有疑问,可参见下方的评论) 7、磁场变化——本地磁场方向与实际磁场方向的差异(用W或E的模式输入,参考本地的磁场分布图) 8、磁偏差——预估这一偏差对船上指南针的影响。 Then tap the"calculate" button to receive the following information: · CTS true - course to steer (or intended course overground, COG) in degrees true, not magnetic · CTS magnetic - course to steer in degrees magnetic · CTS compass - course to steer in degrees magnetic usingyour compass (if you entered a deviation number previously for your boat'scompass) · Speed over ground - your actual SOG along the COG 输入这些数据后,点击计算按钮即可计算出下面这些数据: · 真实CTS数据——掌舵航行的真实数据,而非磁场概念上的数据 · CTS磁场——掌舵航行的磁场信息 · CTS指南针——掌舵航行的利用船上的指南针生成的方向信息(前提是你已预先设定的磁偏差) · 航行速度——整个航行中真实速度 Why This Matters 为什么这个APP这么重要 Even just playing around with this appalmost immediately helps you improve your understanding of wind and current onyour actual course over ground. It's very easy to be way off in your own commonsense calculations. For example, imagine you are sailing due north in a verylight wind, going only 2.5 knots. From due west is a 2-knot tidal currentsweeping you east. You know you need to turn westerly in order to reach yourdestination - but how far to the west? If you like math puzzles, take a guessbefore reading the next paragraph. 即使仅仅是随意装了下这个APP,你也会发现它的过人之处,有了它,你能更好的了解在航行过程中的实际风速和其他实时信息。通常仅凭直觉,很容易就偏离航线了。例如:船正在风速不大的海面以2.5海里/时的速度航行,水流以2海里/时的速度向东流动,你也知道为了保持正确的航行方向,你得把船头航向向西偏移,可以具体向西偏移多少呢,这是个数学难题,如果你乐意,不妨在阅读下一段前先计算一下。 I might haveguessed that you'd have to turn maybe 40 degrees toward the wind to compensatefor the current, to a heading of around 320. In reality, because this is atrigonometric function, you have to turn 53 degrees to a heading of 307 - justto be able to make a COG of 360. But with the wind from 270, you can't sail atthe point of sail of 307, soyou'd have to do some tacking. That means youbetter be aware of possible underwater hazards well off to both sides of yourideal course or run some significant risk. That's a lot to have to payattention to, but at least this app helps keep you from making blindassumptions about how to sail to maintain the clear straight course to yourdestination. 我大概猜到你算出来的结果是这样的,为了保持这个航线,把船头调整到正对风向的40度角,偏移现在的船头方向大概320度。事实上,这是个三角计算题目,你的偏转至风向的53度,现航行的270度方向——为了满足COG的360原则。但是,如果风向是270度方向,你不可能朝307度方向航行,所以这种情况下你必须顶风前进。这就意味着你最好能提前意识到水下的潜在危险对你的理想航行方向产生的影响,并做好应对这些风险的准备。有需要事项需哟啊考虑,但是至少这款APP能帮你规避在航海过程中为保持正确航线而产生的失误,助你顺利到达目的地。 The Downside缺点 As far as I havebeen able to test it, the app does seem to make its calculations correctly. Onthe water, of course, every boater should be constantly aware of boat positionat all times anyway, such as with a navigation app that showsyour boat's position against a chart - so it would be dangerous to trust"Course to Steer" or any other app to keep you free of underwater orother hazards. My onlycomplaint is that the app in this version has no help screens at all and savesno settings. While for the most part you could view this as just a fancycalculator, to use it well you need to understand the concept of leeway to beable to enter that data into the app. Leeway is the degree of movement of theboat off course due to wind. If the wind blows hard from the west as you travelnorth, for example, then your boat's track will vary from a line straight aheadoff to easterly. How much leeway you experience depends on both how hard the windis blowing and how much wind your boat "catches." A boat with highfreeboard generally has more leeway than one with low, and leeway increaseswith wind speed. In the app, however, you enter only a number for your boat'sdegree of leeway along with the wind direction (but not speed). So to do thiswell, you have to estimate, for different wind speeds, how much leeway your ownboat experiences. For an app that otherwise seems so precisely mathematical andaccurate, this estimate could throw your results off considerably if you guesswrong. I would urge the app developer to think about this and perhaps offersome advice for how one should do this estimating. Perhaps you could calculateyour usual leeway from using other GPS data commonly available in other navigationapps? 就我目前测试的情况看,这款APP能精确计算。航行过程中,每一个船长都会通过航海APP这类的工具实时关注船的航行地理位置——所以完全信任掌舵航行这一类的APP帮你规避水上或其他的风险确实是十分的危险的做法。我唯一对这款APP不满意的地方就是——没有屏幕、不能记忆设置。在很大程度上,你可以视它为一款虚拟计算器。想要更好的使用这款APP,你得熟知风压差的概念,准备将这些信息输入到其中。风压差是导致船体偏移既定航线的因素之一,如果风向是西风,而你是向北航行,这样的话,船的实际航行方向是向东偏移。船体承受多大的风压差,取决于风力大小和船体实际遭受的风力影响。干舷越高、风速越大,其承受的风压差就越大。可是在这款APP中,仅仅是输入了风向和风压差,所以针对不同的风速大小,你得估算出大致船体承受到实际风压差大小。考虑这款APP在其他方面的精确计算能力,如果余压差估算错了,那计算结果就会与实际数值有天壤之别。基于这个愿意,呼吁APP开发者重新思考这个问题,或者给出一些估算方法上的 建议。譬如,该APP可以借用其他航海APP上GPS数据中的风压差。 Conclusions小结 Overall, this is a nice little app thatboaters should consider using. As a free app, it's nicely not cluttered withads or requests to update to a paid version. (Hopefully it will stay that way.)Just remember that because of the leeway function, your own results could varyfrom the predicted results. And even if your results are correct, you may haveto make other changes in navigation, such as in the tacking example earlier. 总的来说,这是款很实用的APP,可以考虑使用。就免费版APP来说,这款没有夹杂广告或是要求使用者更新至付费版(希望一直能免费下去)。但有一个问题值得注意,由于要预估风压差,计算结果可能会偏离预测结果。即使结果是正确的,在实际航行过程中,也得随时调整,例如一些航行模型 如果你选择的是常规的航海APP或海图APP,而非这款,同样也可以简便的学习如何弥补实时境况变化对航行的影响。