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2011-9-10 10:19 · 大杂烩
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  建设六百分之三十六-安装舵管 October 14, 2000 2000年10月14日

  Project # 11项目# 11

  This is the last of the important tasks that needs to be done without any errors.这是最后一次的重要任务,需要做没有任何错误。 If the rudder tube is installed incorrectly, it causes the rudder not to be true and inline with the keel fin, and the performance of the model yacht will suffer.如果舵管安装不当,会导致舵不属实,并内置与龙骨,鱼翅,并表现了该模型的游艇将蒙受损失。 It is just a simple matter of gluing the rudder tube into the hull so the rudder won't hang crooked.这只是一件简单的事的粘合舵管到船体,使舵,不会坑弯曲。

  To start the process, drill the hole in the hull at the point marked earlier so the rudder tube can pass into the hole.启动过程中,钻洞,在船体在点显着较早,所以舵管可以通过进入该洞。 Don't make the hole any bigger than needed because if you do the tube will wiggle, and the tube won't be true.不使孔任何大于必要的,因为如果你这样做管道将wiggle ,以及管会不是真的。 The tube should take a small amount of effort to pass through the hole in the hull when inserted.管应采取少量的努力,通过孔在船体时,插入。

  With that done, what is the best way to make sure the rudder will be straight?与做的,什么是最好的方式,以确保舵将直? It is not as hard as you think.这是不是像您一样勤奋的想法。 Since the rudder post is at an angle into the hull it will cause a little more effort to do it correctly.自舵邮政正处在一个角度进入船体就会造成多一点努力,做正确的。 The first thing to keep in mind is, that the hull is the first fixed point that the rudder post will go through.第一件事要记住的是,船体是第一不动点,该舵后会经过。 For this project, think of it as a pivot point.这一项目,认为这是作为一个支点。 The next task to do is to create a spot where the end of the rudder post can fit into, to cause the rudder to be straight.下一个任务要做的是创造一个地方结束舵后可以融入,使舵,以直。 For this rudder design the rudder's post will extend up to the aft centerline beam.这个舵设计舵的职位将延长到尾部中线束。 It is here where the post will be allowed to turn and apply support.正是在这里那里后,将不准和适用的支持。

  A rudders hull fitting can be easily damaged during the handling of a model yacht.一舵船体装修可以很容易损坏,在处理模型帆船。 If not built and supported strongly, a simple bump can damage the rudder's seal and the fitting.如果不建立和坚决支持,一个简单的凸点可损害舵的印章和装修。 To avoid this, I use the aft centerline beam as added support to the rudder post.为避免这种情况,我用尾部中线束作为补充,支持舵后。 Not only that, by using the aft centerline beam, it makes an effective way to align the rudder so it will be straight!不仅如此,通过使用前后中线束,它使一个有效的方法,使舵,所以将直!


科技论坛 科技论坛知识的海洋

  As you can see in Example 1 and also in Examples 2 and 3, I use a second small piece of wood to do this.你可以看到在示例1和也的例子,在第2和第3 ,我使用的第二个小一块木头做到这一点。 I drill a hole into the wood at the same angle of the rudder post. i钻一个孔,把木材在同角度的舵后。 This way the rudder post will fit right into the hole and allow the rudder to turn without any resistance.这样,舵邮政将在合适的右转入洞,并让舵把没有任何反抗。 To add further strength to the small piece of wood, I cut a short length of brass tubing (see Photo 1 above), and glue it into the angled hole, (see Example 1).进一步补充实力,小一块木头,我减短长度的黄铜油管(见照片1段) ,和胶水把它斜孔, (见示例1 ) 。 I had to cut and drill a few small pieces of wood before I got one with correct angle to the rudder post.我不得不削减和演练数小块木材之前,我得到一个正确的角度向舵后。


科技论坛 科技论坛知识的海洋

  Now comes the task of getting the rudder in line with the keel fin.现在来的任务越来越舵在符合龙骨鱼翅。 To do this it is a simple matter lining the rudder with the keel fin by eye-balling it.这样做,这是一件简单的事,衬砌舵与龙骨,鱼翅,由眼球。 First slip a short length of rudder tube on to the rudder post, and out through the hole in the hull.第一滑短长度的舵管就向舵职务,并通过孔


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  建设六百分之三十六-安装舵管 October 14, 2000 2000年10月14日

  Project # 11项目# 11

  This is the last of the important tasks that needs to be done without any errors.这是最后一次的重要任务,需要做没有任何错误。 If the rudder tube is installed incorrectly, it causes the rudder not to be true and inline with the keel fin, and the performance of the model yacht will suffer.如果舵管安装不当,会导致舵不属实,并内置与龙骨,鱼翅,并表现了该模型的游艇将蒙受损失。 It is just a simple matter of gluing the rudder tube into the hull so the rudder won't hang crooked.这只是一件简单的事的粘合舵管到船体,使舵,不会坑弯曲。

  To start the process, drill the hole in the hull at the point marked earlier so the rudder tube can pass into the hole.启动过程中,钻洞,在船体在点显着较早,所以舵管可以通过进入该洞。 Don't make the hole any bigger than needed because if you do the tube will wiggle, and the tube won't be true.不使孔任何大于必要的,因为如果你这样做管道将wiggle ,以及管会不是真的。 The tube should take a small amount of effort to pass through the hole in the hull when inserted.管应采取少量的努力,通过孔在船体时,插入。

  With that done, what is the best way to make sure the rudder will be straight?与做的,什么是最好的方式,以确保舵将直? It is not as hard as you think.这是不是像您一样勤奋的想法。 Since the rudder post is at an angle into the hull it will cause a little more effort to do it correctly.自舵邮政正处在一个角度进入船体就会造成多一点努力,做正确的。 The first thing to keep in mind is, that the hull is the first fixed point that the rudder post will go through.第一件事要记住的是,船体是第一不动点,该舵后会经过。 For this project, think of it as a pivot point.这一项目,认为这是作为一个支点。 The next task to do is to create a spot where the end of the rudder post can fit into, to cause the rudder to be straight.下一个任务要做的是创造一个地方结束舵后可以融入,使舵,以直。 For this rudder design the rudder's post will extend up to the aft centerline beam.这个舵设计舵的职位将延长到尾部中线束。 It is here where the post will be allowed to turn and apply support.正是在这里那里后,将不准和适用的支持。

  A rudders hull fitting can be easily damaged during the handling of a model yacht.一舵船体装修可以很容易损坏,在处理模型帆船。 If not built and supported strongly, a simple bump can damage the rudder's seal and the fitting.如果不建立和坚决支持,一个简单的凸点可损害舵的印章和装修。 To avoid this, I use the aft centerline beam as added support to the rudder post.为避免这种情况,我用尾部中线束作为补充,支持舵后。 Not only that, by using the aft centerline beam, it makes an effective way to align the rudder so it will be straight!不仅如此,通过使用前后中线束,它使一个有效的方法,使舵,所以将直!


科技论坛 科技论坛知识的海洋

  As you can see in Example 1 and also in Examples 2 and 3, I use a second small piece of wood to do this.你可以看到在示例1和也的例子,在第2和第3 ,我使用的第二个小一块木头做到这一点。 I drill a hole into the wood at the same angle of the rudder post. i钻一个孔,把木材在同角度的舵后。 This way the rudder post will fit right into the hole and allow the rudder to turn without any resistance.这样,舵邮政将在合适的右转入洞,并让舵把没有任何反抗。 To add further strength to the small piece of wood, I cut a short length of brass tubing (see Photo 1 above), and glue it into the angled hole, (see Example 1).进一步补充实力,小一块木头,我减短长度的黄铜油管(见照片1段) ,和胶水把它斜孔, (见示例1 ) 。 I had to cut and drill a few small pieces of wood before I got one with correct angle to the rudder post.我不得不削减和演练数小块木材之前,我得到一个正确的角度向舵后。


科技论坛 科技论坛知识的海洋

  Now comes the task of getting the rudder in line with the keel fin.现在来的任务越来越舵在符合龙骨鱼翅。 To do this it is a simple matter lining the rudder with the keel fin by eye-balling it.这样做,这是一件简单的事,衬砌舵与龙骨,鱼翅,由眼球。 First slip a short length of rudder tube on to the rudder post, and out through the hole in the hull.第一滑短长度的舵管就向舵职务,并通过孔
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