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今天早上11点和Dirk约的在唐人街Dim sum,起来晚了一路小赶。穿过Carnaby street的时候匆匆照了两张Christmas Decoration就冲到Costa。见面很激动的又开始了我们的神侃,Topic不停的jumping然后好像把在有限的时间里聊完我们无限的话题。从彼此在上次见面后的经历,趣事,现在,将来,航海,旅行,音乐,电影,家庭,事业,女人,最后跳到我们的生命理论上。From my the death theory to weakness of mankind and human nature will lead to the end of this world! perhaps bit too deep but it never ends. the conversation just keeps flowing continuously. He said it was always good talk with me and same time it is really bad. We are too like minded and he sees me as himself sometimes.
真的是很开心再次见面,差不多8个月了上次也是在同一间餐厅。他好像很困惑,印度的旅行看来没有找到他的答案。自从10月底离开克立伯以后他一直在drifting,试着计划将来可是太多想法总是找不到答案。写的音乐也不满意,总是觉得自己在浪费时间可是又无能为力。最夸张的是他说每次和我聊天都更深的lost,因为我就好像另外一个他。大家的想法很类似,但是我的free sprit和crazy story keeps pushing him just want to do something!I asked him for the mountain climbing story again because I could never tell it as good as he does and always miss some points.
下午陪他去chandler买了潜水刀-送给他父亲的圣诞礼物,然后又drift back到soho,本来还撑着可是又去taro-他的polish friend recommended寿司店,点了些东西又开始我们的纠结。神奇的事情总是在不断的发生,他去印度在机场的奇遇和我昨天看的law of attraction。刚说完yoshi突然电话来了,一看是老幺第三次打来我就接了。然后说着说着他就出现在taro门口看到我和Dirk走了进来。Strange!
草草的介绍了彼此Yoshi就离开了。然后我们走过Tottenham court road的乐器店他进去买了个Marine band的口琴,我脑子还在想是送给我的吗?出了们他很随意的试了下,递过来:here, is your Christmas present!(in Jordie accent I love always)
高兴的手舞足蹈然后谢了他回:Now I have to show off next time we meet!I knew it was time for us to separate our path so we said goodbye.So that was the return of the 2:a great friend, inspiration, sailor and musician + a new M Hohner Harmonica to replace the one I got 2 years ago at Christmas from George that sunk with the boat!