2013-3-3 18:07 · 大杂烩
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ECDIS ECDIS stands for Electronic Chart Display and Information System.  It is an Electronic Navigational Chart with positionalinformation plus additional navigation-related information in a system toassist in navigation. SOLAS 1974       Paragraph 2.1.4 of Regulation V/19 states that: “All ships, irrespective of size, shall have:Nautical charts and nautical publications……… toplan and display the positions throughout the voyage; ………. An ECDIS maybe accepted as meeting the chart carriage requirements of this subparagraph…” Convention ships may be fitted with an ECDIS system with a back-upsystem (either an electronic back-up system or with appropriate paper chartsfor the intended voyage). 2000 HSC Code Recently, IMOissued MSC Circulars 221 (82) and 222(82) about amendments which have been adopted to both 1994 HSC Code and 2000 HSCCode.  New paragraph 13.8.2 is tobe added in Chapter 13 of the 2000 HSCCode under the title “ShipboardNavigational Systems and Equipment and Voyage Data Recorders” which states that: “High-speed craft shall be fitted with an ECDIS asfollows:   1.      craftconstructed on or after 1 July 2008; 2. craftconstructed before 1 July 2008, not later than 1 July 2010.” In this regard, high speed craft shall be fitted with an on board ECDISsystem to provide continuous position monitoring during the voyage to assistthe master and navigators with the safe navigation of the vessel. STCW 95 An officer who is in charge of a navigational watch on board a ship of500 GRT or more should attainedthe minimum standard of competence specified in Table AII/1 of STCW Code. Thecompetence includes “Plan and conduct a passage and determine position” of thevessel, in which he should have thorough knowledge of and ability to usenavigational charts andpublications, NTM, radio navigational warnings and ships’ routeing information. Note:  ECDIS systems areconsidered to be included under the term “charts”. International Standards There are a number of InternationalStandards which ECDIS shall meet: ?6?1           International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data S- 57, ?6?1           IHO Specifications for Chart Content and Displayaspects of ECDIS S- 52, ?6?1           IMO Resolution A.817 (19) Performance Standards forECDIS, and ?6?1           International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)61174: ECDIS - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing andrequired test results. IMO Resolution A.817 (19) - Performance Standards forECDIS        Someof the requirements stated in the Performance Standards for ECDIS are asfollowing: - 1.         ECDIS should haveadequate back-up arrangements (Duplication of the system or carriage ofappropriate paper charts for the intended voyage) ;2.         ECDIS should be capableof displaying all chart information necessary for safe and efficient navigation;3.         ECDIS should facilitatesimple and reliable updating of the electronic navigational chart ;4.         ECDIS should reduce thenavigational workload compared to using the paper chart ;5.         ECDIS should have atleast the same reliability and availability of presentation as the paper chart;6.         ECDIS should provideappropriate alarms or indications with respect to the information displayed ormalfunction of the equipment. The ECDIS enables the user to call up information on the items displayedin addition to the graphics presentation. For example, a lighthouse is markedon the chart by a tower symbol or a traditional chart symbol if the userprefers.  The system can give furtherinformation on this subject about the characteristic and detail of thelighthouse similar to the information printed in the List of Lights. The ECDIS uses the Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC)which is the ship’s electronic chart database. The ENC contains all thechart information necessary for safe navigation and may contain nauticalinformation in addition to that contained in the paper chart (e.g. SailingDirections). The digital chart (i.e. ENC)database is maintained by the National Hydrographic Authority.  In Hong Kong,the authority is the Hydrographic Office of Marine Department, HKSAR. RESOLUTION MSC. 232(82) This resolution is adopted on 5 December 2006 and will beimplemented on 1.1.2009.  The Annex 24 ofthe resolution - THE REVISED PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR ELECTRONIC CHART DISPLAYAND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ECDIS)which the Raster Chart Display System (RCDS or ECD) using Raster Navigational Charts(RNC) is incorporated in the Standards to meet the real situation.  


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ECDIS ECDIS stands for Electronic Chart Display and Information System.  It is an Electronic Navigational Chart with positionalinformation plus additional navigation-related information in a system toassist in navigation. SOLAS 1974       Paragraph 2.1.4 of Regulation V/19 states that: “All ships, irrespective of size, shall have:Nautical charts and nautical publications……… toplan and display the positions throughout the voyage; ………. An ECDIS maybe accepted as meeting the chart carriage requirements of this subparagraph…” Convention ships may be fitted with an ECDIS system with a back-upsystem (either an electronic back-up system or with appropriate paper chartsfor the intended voyage). 2000 HSC Code Recently, IMOissued MSC Circulars 221 (82) and 222(82) about amendments which have been adopted to both 1994 HSC Code and 2000 HSCCode.  New paragraph 13.8.2 is tobe added in Chapter 13 of the 2000 HSCCode under the title “ShipboardNavigational Systems and Equipment and Voyage Data Recorders” which states that: “High-speed craft shall be fitted with an ECDIS asfollows:   1.      craftconstructed on or after 1 July 2008; 2. craftconstructed before 1 July 2008, not later than 1 July 2010.” In this regard, high speed craft shall be fitted with an on board ECDISsystem to provide continuous position monitoring during the voyage to assistthe master and navigators with the safe navigation of the vessel. STCW 95 An officer who is in charge of a navigational watch on board a ship of500 GRT or more should attainedthe minimum standard of competence specified in Table AII/1 of STCW Code. Thecompetence includes “Plan and conduct a passage and determine position” of thevessel, in which he should have thorough knowledge of and ability to usenavigational charts andpublications, NTM, radio navigational warnings and ships’ routeing information. Note:  ECDIS systems areconsidered to be included under the term “charts”. International Standards There are a number of InternationalStandards which ECDIS shall meet: ?6?1           International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data S- 57, ?6?1           IHO Specifications for Chart Content and Displayaspects of ECDIS S- 52, ?6?1           IMO Resolution A.817 (19) Performance Standards forECDIS, and ?6?1           International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)61174: ECDIS - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing andrequired test results. IMO Resolution A.817 (19) - Performance Standards forECDIS        Someof the requirements stated in the Performance Standards for ECDIS are asfollowing: - 1.         ECDIS should haveadequate back-up arrangements (Duplication of the system or carriage ofappropriate paper charts for the intended voyage) ;2.         ECDIS should be capableof displaying all chart information necessary for safe and efficient navigation;3.         ECDIS should facilitatesimple and reliable updating of the electronic navigational chart ;4.         ECDIS should reduce thenavigational workload compared to using the paper chart ;5.         ECDIS should have atleast the same reliability and availability of presentation as the paper chart;6.         ECDIS should provideappropriate alarms or indications with respect to the information displayed ormalfunction of the equipment. The ECDIS enables the user to call up information on the items displayedin addition to the graphics presentation. For example, a lighthouse is markedon the chart by a tower symbol or a traditional chart symbol if the userprefers.  The system can give furtherinformation on this subject about the characteristic and detail of thelighthouse similar to the information printed in the List of Lights. The ECDIS uses the Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC)which is the ship’s electronic chart database. The ENC contains all thechart information necessary for safe navigation and may contain nauticalinformation in addition to that contained in the paper chart (e.g. SailingDirections). The digital chart (i.e. ENC)database is maintained by the National Hydrographic Authority.  In Hong Kong,the authority is the Hydrographic Office of Marine Department, HKSAR. RESOLUTION MSC. 232(82) This resolution is adopted on 5 December 2006 and will beimplemented on 1.1.2009.  The Annex 24 ofthe resolution - THE REVISED PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR ELECTRONIC CHART DISPLAYAND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ECDIS)which the Raster Chart Display System (RCDS or ECD) using Raster Navigational Charts(RNC) is incorporated in the Standards to meet the real situation.  
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