

来自: 山东


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地中海(巴利阿里群岛)的比赛定于 11 月 9 日举行,而不是 12 月。目前门票已售罄:他们有 50 艘船,还有 20 艘在候补名单上。我明天会打电话给他们,了解他们打算做什么:坚持最多 50 名参赛者,还是允许再增加 20 艘船。一旦我有答案,我会立即通知您。

贾斯汀最好的朋友之一驾驶 P3 1065 号帆船赢得了卡尔瓦多斯杯。他上周告诉我们,他将准备参加 minitransat2027年 而不是 minitransat 2025面,因为他无法应付所有要做的事情(他是一名学生)。所以这是一个很常见且正常的决定。4 年而不是 2 年的准备也提供了更多的成功机会。所以不要害怕花更多时间准备。



1) 选项一是 11 月在地中海参加比赛。我们最迟下周就会得到答案。

2) 如果不可能,我们应该相应地组织您的计划。今年布雷斯特将开设一个新中心。你想让我们调查这个选项吗?我们还需要为明年的训练和比赛制定计划。你已经有想法了吗?我们应该组织一次电话会议(Skype 或电话?)来讨论这个问题吗?

3) 你的车在哪里?谁在照看它?你把它留在机场了吗?(如果是,那么这么长时间,可能是车被偷了,或者在警察局?




Nihao my champion,

Thank you for your kind words and the upcoming payment.

Yes we do understand it is difficult for a french guy to prepare a minitransat, and consequently we know that it is way more difficult for a foreigner to prepare. We’ve been vey impressed so far by your commitment and dedication to learning mini sailing.
We also do understand that family is part of the deal. i will relentlessly tell you to bring them here ! it is the best way to involve them.
The race in Med (in Balearic island) stats on November 9, not december. So far it is sold out : they have 50 boats, plus 20 on the waiting list . I will call them tomorrow to understand what they plan to do : stick to 50 max participants, or to allow for 20 more boats. I’ll let you know as soon as I have an answer.

One of Justin’s best friend, sailing the P3 1065, won a race in the calvados cup. he told us last week that he will prepare for the minitransat 27 instead of the minitransat 25 because he can not cope with all he has to do (he is a student). SO this is a quiet frequent and normal decision. A 4 years preparation instead of 2 also gives more chances of success. So do not be afraid of taking more time to prepare.

Finally, I’m sure that we could set up a mini training center in China one day ! So we should keep a long term view for all of this !

I have thus few questions and information  for you.

1) Option one is to race in november in Med. We should have this answer next week latest.

2) If not possible, we should organise your planning accordingly. There is a new center opening in Brest this year. Do you want us to investigate this option ? We also need to prepare a planning for your training and races of next year. do you already have an idea ? Should we organise a call (skype or phone ?) to discuss this ?

3) where is you car, and who is taking care of it ? did you leave it at the airport ? (if yes, for such a long period maybe the car is stolen, or at the police station ?

We miss you a lot and look forward to seeing you soon. give me a time slot for a call.

Kind regards



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地中海(巴利阿里群岛)的比赛定于 11 月 9 日举行,而不是 12 月。目前门票已售罄:他们有 50 艘船,还有 20 艘在候补名单上。我明天会打电话给他们,了解他们打算做什么:坚持最多 50 名参赛者,还是允许再增加 20 艘船。一旦我有答案,我会立即通知您。

贾斯汀最好的朋友之一驾驶 P3 1065 号帆船赢得了卡尔瓦多斯杯。他上周告诉我们,他将准备参加 minitransat2027年 而不是 minitransat 2025面,因为他无法应付所有要做的事情(他是一名学生)。所以这是一个很常见且正常的决定。4 年而不是 2 年的准备也提供了更多的成功机会。所以不要害怕花更多时间准备。



1) 选项一是 11 月在地中海参加比赛。我们最迟下周就会得到答案。

2) 如果不可能,我们应该相应地组织您的计划。今年布雷斯特将开设一个新中心。你想让我们调查这个选项吗?我们还需要为明年的训练和比赛制定计划。你已经有想法了吗?我们应该组织一次电话会议(Skype 或电话?)来讨论这个问题吗?

3) 你的车在哪里?谁在照看它?你把它留在机场了吗?(如果是,那么这么长时间,可能是车被偷了,或者在警察局?




Nihao my champion,

Thank you for your kind words and the upcoming payment.

Yes we do understand it is difficult for a french guy to prepare a minitransat, and consequently we know that it is way more difficult for a foreigner to prepare. We’ve been vey impressed so far by your commitment and dedication to learning mini sailing.
We also do understand that family is part of the deal. i will relentlessly tell you to bring them here ! it is the best way to involve them.
The race in Med (in Balearic island) stats on November 9, not december. So far it is sold out : they have 50 boats, plus 20 on the waiting list . I will call them tomorrow to understand what they plan to do : stick to 50 max participants, or to allow for 20 more boats. I’ll let you know as soon as I have an answer.

One of Justin’s best friend, sailing the P3 1065, won a race in the calvados cup. he told us last week that he will prepare for the minitransat 27 instead of the minitransat 25 because he can not cope with all he has to do (he is a student). SO this is a quiet frequent and normal decision. A 4 years preparation instead of 2 also gives more chances of success. So do not be afraid of taking more time to prepare.

Finally, I’m sure that we could set up a mini training center in China one day ! So we should keep a long term view for all of this !

I have thus few questions and information  for you.

1) Option one is to race in november in Med. We should have this answer next week latest.

2) If not possible, we should organise your planning accordingly. There is a new center opening in Brest this year. Do you want us to investigate this option ? We also need to prepare a planning for your training and races of next year. do you already have an idea ? Should we organise a call (skype or phone ?) to discuss this ?

3) where is you car, and who is taking care of it ? did you leave it at the airport ? (if yes, for such a long period maybe the car is stolen, or at the police station ?

We miss you a lot and look forward to seeing you soon. give me a time slot for a call.

Kind regards


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