I amVictoria, 11 years old. My dad has a dream of sailing round theworld. He hopes one day I could sail with him so he sent me to startsailing training last October. I am told that I am able to sailHobie’s Catamaran as I know how to sail Optimist level boat thoughI have never seen Hobie. After onboarding, I only asked my dad tocontrol jib sail, and I would do remainings. However, I was indifficulty to control main sheet and rudder which is so differentfrom OP’s at same time. I even could not complete basic tacking.Fortunately, we did not give up. My dad and I argued, reviewed,summarized, compromised, and gradually established trust with clearroles and responsibilities in the following rounds. Eventually weadapted to the situation and our new boat, and even got the thirdplace in one round. We began with two rookies without knowing how toinstall the sails, going through frustration, complaint, and finallycoordination and successfully completion of the journey. One personcan sail fast, but a family can sail longer distance with much moresustainable synergy.
I amVictoria, 11 years old. My dad has a dream of sailing round theworld. He hopes one day I could sail with him so he sent me to startsailing training last October. I am told that I am able to sailHobie’s Catamaran as I know how to sail Optimist level boat thoughI have never seen Hobie. After onboarding, I only asked my dad tocontrol jib sail, and I would do remainings. However, I was indifficulty to control main sheet and rudder which is so differentfrom OP’s at same time. I even could not complete basic tacking.Fortunately, we did not give up. My dad and I argued, reviewed,summarized, compromised, and gradually established trust with clearroles and responsibilities in the following rounds. Eventually weadapted to the situation and our new boat, and even got the thirdplace in one round. We began with two rookies without knowing how toinstall the sails, going through frustration, complaint, and finallycoordination and successfully completion of the journey. One personcan sail fast, but a family can sail longer distance with much moresustainable synergy.