1)Rule 3.2 is deleted and replaced by the followings:
3.2[DP]While racing, except in an emergency, a boat shall not make or receive voice or data communicationnot available to all other boats.
2)Rule8.1 is deleted and replaced by the followings:
8.1 Theregatta consists of Qualification Series, Round-Robin Series (Semi Final & Final)and China Club Challenger Race.
Racing Format: Qualifying Series——Fleet Racing
RoundRobin Series(Semi Final & Final), Challenger Race——MatchRacing
3)Rule “Top two teams fromeach division will proceed to the Semi Finals to sail a single round robinknockout series. The winner of knockout series will be awarded with theChallenger Cup Trophy of this event and qualifies to challenge the defendingchampion.” in NoR 8.4 is deleted and replaced by the followings:
“Top two teams from each division will proceed tothe Semi Final. The winners of the Semi Final will proceed to the Final. Thewinner of the Final will be awarded with the Challenger Cup Trophy of thisevent and qualifies to challenge the defending champion.”
1)Rule 3.2 is deleted and replaced by the followings:
3.2[DP]While racing, except in an emergency, a boat shall not make or receive voice or data communicationnot available to all other boats.
2)Rule8.1 is deleted and replaced by the followings:
8.1 Theregatta consists of Qualification Series, Round-Robin Series (Semi Final & Final)and China Club Challenger Race.
Racing Format: Qualifying Series——Fleet Racing
RoundRobin Series(Semi Final & Final), Challenger Race——MatchRacing
3)Rule “Top two teams fromeach division will proceed to the Semi Finals to sail a single round robinknockout series. The winner of knockout series will be awarded with theChallenger Cup Trophy of this event and qualifies to challenge the defendingchampion.” in NoR 8.4 is deleted and replaced by the followings:
“Top two teams from each division will proceed tothe Semi Final. The winners of the Semi Final will proceed to the Final. Thewinner of the Final will be awarded with the Challenger Cup Trophy of thisevent and qualifies to challenge the defending champion.”