1. Allparticipants must not pass through or stay in a medium-to-high-risk area within15 days; no exposure to COVID-19 cases or suspectedcases, and provide the hospital nucleic acid test negative certificate within 7days as required;
2. During theentire regatta (except for on the water races), competitors should consciously wearfacial masks and get temperature testing as required;
3. Temperaturemeasuring equipment may be set up on site, and temperature detection for staffsand participants will be carry out strictly . People who have fever and are inquarantine are not allowed to enter the venue. Body temperature exceeds 37.3degrees or are found to have fever, cold, cough, etc., must cooperate withtemporary medical observation;
4. Staffs andparticipants must conduct electronic health pass code verification whenentering the venue. Those who do not have a health code or who are in doubtwill not be allowed to enter the venue;
5. Disposablehand sanitizer is equipped on site for competitors to disinfect;
6. Staffs andparticipants shall register with their real names, and team leaders must havedetailed information such as the identification card, work unit (company),contact numbers and other information of the team members;
7. Theregatta (schedule) will be dynamically adjusted to cope with the changes in theepidemic prevention and control situation and national policies. Theparticipating clubs enter the regatta on a voluntary basis. If the regatta isadjusted, postponed or cancelled, the entry fee will be refunded by the OA.
The notation “[NP]” in a rule means that a boat may not protest anotherboat for breaking that rule. This changes RRS 60.1(a).
The notation “[SP]” means the standard penalties may be used by racecommittee (RC) without hearing. This changes RRS 63.1 and A5. According to thesituation, the penalty shall be the score of the best race of the day plus 3.
1. Rules
1.1. The event will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rulesof Sailing 2021-2024.
1.2. The rules for the handling of boats will apply, and will also apply toany time when the boats are on the water.
1.3. Add to RRS 41 (e): help to recover from the water and return on board acrew member provided the return on board is at the approximate location of therecovery.
1.4. No National/Regional Authority Prescriptions willapply.
1.5. TheInternational J80 Class Rules will not apply.
1.6. The 17th China Club Challenge Match Sailing Instructions.
1.7. If there is any conflict between Sailing Instructions and Notice ofRace, Sailing Instruction will take the preference.
1.8. If there is a conflict between languages, the English text will take precedence.
1.9. Teams should carry their own life jackets that comply with ISO12402-5 orhigherstandard,VHF marine portable radios and portable GPS.
2. SailingInstructions
Sailing Instructions will beavailable at the on-site Registration.
3. Communicationwith competitors
3.1. The official notice board will be located at Wuyuanwan Sailing Boat Port.The on-line notice board will be available at the WeChat group "The 17thChina Club Challenge Match Group".
3.2. [DP]While racing, except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make norreceive voice or data transmissions to any other boats.
4. Eligibility and Entry
4.1. Equipment
4.1.1. The event will besailed in J80 one design class boats.
4.1.2. The OA plans toorganize thirty J80 boats with third party liability insurance and valid certificatesissued by the authority for the Fleet Racing.
4.1.3. Teams may bringtheir own J80 class boats and sails for the Fleet Racing, which shall bemeasured by the RC before racing.
4.1.4. Laminate sails arenot allowed for this event.
4.1.5. Competitors may adjust their own assigned boat.
4.2. Eligibility
4.2.1. Boats may be entered by representing their membernational/area authority, cities, clubs or the owner of the boat approved by OA.
4.2.2. Competitors overeighteen (18) will be eligible to enter this event. The number of crews (includingthe skipper) shall not exceed eight. The total weight of the crews, includingthe skipper shall not exceed 420 kg.
4.2.3. The numbers of crewmust remain the same in each race. No crew member shall be substituted duringthe event.
4.2.4. Teams qualified inthe Match Race of 16th China Club Challenge Match have the priority toregister. The Entry List will be published on the official event website at anytime.
4.2.5. Teams shall have theinsurance as specified in NoR rule21.
4.3. Entry
The entry form and helmsman resume template are available to download onthe official website(http://www.ironrocksailing.com/). The following documentsshall be sent to the email address assigned by the OA of 17th China ClubChallenge Match by August 31st, 2021:
4.3.1. Entry Form (Wordversion), scanned copy or photo of the signed Entry Form;
4.3.2. Helmsman resume;
4.3.3. Team Introduction,including text description no more than 400 words, team members’ photo andvideo, team LOGO (format: AI or CDR).
4.3.4. Teams that bringtheir own boats shall provide their boat’s certificate and insurance (copies)as specified as NoR rule21.
4.3.5. The Organizing Authority will reply by email within 5 workingdays after receiving the entry documents. An entry is not complete untilreceiving the confirmation from the OA.
5. Fee
5.1. Entry fee: 3,000 RMB.
5.2. J80 Boat Chartering fee: 5,800 RMB. (Only for teams who need to charter aboat)
5.3. Damage Deposit: 5,000 RMB. The damage deposit is the limit of liability foreach incident. If there is damage or equipment lost during the race, the damagedeposit shall be reduced by the amount issued by the maintenance manufacturer.The OA may require the damage deposit to be restored back to the original 5,000RMB. If there is no damage, the deposit will be fully refunded by the end ofthe event.
5.4. Defending Champion (the 16th China Club Challenge Match winner)of last event has the right of free entry fee and boat chartering fee.
5.5. Bank details:
Account Name:厦门市顽石航海运动有限公司
Bank Address: 福建省厦门市兴业银行科技支行
Bank Account: 129970 100100 032043
6. Crew Limitations
According to whether there is any professional sailing athlete either activeor retired, and if the team is raced with all female crew, the divisions aremade as follows: :
6.1. Athletic Division: Teams with professional athletes (pro division);
6.2. Social Division: Teams without professional athletes (non pro division);
6.3. Women Division: all crews consist of female.
7. [DP][NP]Advertising
7.1. Advertisingshall only be displayed in accordance with World Sailing Regulation20-Advertising Code. The OA has the right to reject the team’s advertisementsthat conflict with government regulations and the regatta’s sponsors. For anydoubts, please communicate with the OA as early as possible. All possibleadvertisements on the boat shall be briefly listed while registration. If thereare any changes in advertisements, the OA should be informed.
7.2. TheAdvertising right of the racing venue belongs to the OA. If the teams want toadvertise at the venue, they should provide a written request to the OA andonly release the advertisement with the consent of the OA.
7.3. Boatsintending to display their own advertising on hulls, sails or spars provided bythe OA, a written application shall be submitted to the OA and only post theadvertisement with the consent of the OA.
7.4. If the teamdamages the advertising supplied by the OA on purpose, the OA has the right toprotest.
8. Format
8.1. The regatta consists of Qualification Series, Round-Robin Series andChallenger Race.
Racing Format: Qualifying Series——Fleet Racing
Round Robin Series , Challenger Race——Match Racing
8.2. All divisions shall sail the fleet racing on the same course for 4 days.
8.3. There will be 12 boats to qualify for the Match Racing, including: the top10 boats of the overall ranking, and except for those 10 teams, one from SocialDivision and one from Women Division that ranks on the top in each division.For Match Racing, teams must sail with the same crew members as they sailedwith in the Fleet Race. If crews need to be changed, an written application mustbe submitted to the OA.
8.4. All teams will be divided into two divisions according to their odd andeven order in the Fleet Race ranking and sail a double round robin series. Toptwo teams from each division will proceed to the Semi Finals to sail a singleround robin knockout series. The winner of knockout series will be awarded withthe Challenger Cup Trophy of this event and qualifies to challenge thedefending champion.
8.5. The Challenger Race is a match race series (first to win 5 points) betweenthe winner of the Challenger Cup Trophy and the defending champion, which willproduce the 17th China Club Challenge Match champion.
8.6. Prescriptions for the defending champion:
8.6.1. The defendingchampion may compete in the fleet racing and win the prize, but will notparticipate in the knockout series.
8.6.2. The defendingchampion may compete in the round robin series, but only sail a single roundrobin match against each team. Neither the defending champion nor the rivalteam will be scored points.
9. Schedule
August 31st, 2021
Entry Deadline
October 11th, 2021
Boat Drawing
October 13th, 2021
Fleet Racing Registration
/Skipper Briefing/Boat handover
October 14th,2021
Fleet Racing - Day 1
Warning Signal
October 15th,2021
Day 2
Warning Signal
October 16th,2021
Day 3
Warning Signal
October 17th,2021
Day 4
Warning Signal
No more warning signal/Returning boats after race
Prize Giving
October 17th,2021
Match Racing
10. Equipment Inspection
10.1. The boats shall beavailable for equipment inspection on-site at any time.
10.2. Teams may bringtheir own equipment including spinnaker comply with the requirements, but they shallbe measured before racing.
11. Venue
The venue will be at Wuyuanwan Sailing Boat Port,Xiamen, Fujian, China. The venue is shown in Appendix 1. They are for referenceonly, no ground of request for redress shall be made on them.
12. Course
The diagrams in NoR Appendix 2 show the courses,the approximate angles between legs, the order in which marks are to be passed,and the side on which each mark is to be left.
13. Penalties
13.1. RRS 44.1 is changedso that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.
13.2 The decision of theJury Committee will be the final decision as provided in RRS 70.5 or 70.5(b).
13.3 The umpires’decision is final for Match Racing.
13.4 If there is anydamage or loss equipment, a report shall be made to the Organizing Authority,no matter how slight it is.
13.5 Competitors, whichbelieve that another competitor has the responsibility for the damage to theboat, shall submit a protest to the Arbitration Committee after the finish ofthe race that day, and subject to the decision of the Arbitration Committee.Otherwise, the competitor will be responsible for damage to the boat itself.
13.6 On water umpiredrules will apply. Races to be umpired will be advised in the SIs.
14 Scoring
14.1 Ten(10)races will be scheduled. One race is required tobe completed to constitute a series.
14.2 When fewer than 5 races have been completed, aboat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.
14.3 When 5 or more races have been completed, a boat’sseries score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
14.4 The women divisionand all the teams with women crews that sailed all the races during the fleetrace, 0.5 points shall be deducted when calculating their total scores.
15. Chartered Boats
15.1 Boats charteringfees for the regatta are as follows:
Class (amount of boats)
Chartering Fee(insurance included)
Damage Deposit
J80 (thirty boats)
15.2 Equipment provided by the OA will be distributed bydrawing. After returning the equipmentand qualified acceptance by the OA, damage deposit will be fully refunded. Ifany damage occurred, compensation shall be paid.
15.3 No ground of requestfor redress shall be made on the quality of the chartered equipment provided bythe OA.
16 [DP]Berthing
Boats shall be kept in their assigned places asdirected by the OA.
17 [DP]Haul Out Restrictions
Boats shall not be hauled out during the regatta exceptwith and according to the terms of prior written permission of Race Committee.
18 [DP]Diving Equipment And Plastic Pools
Underwater breathing apparatus and plastic poolsor their equivalent shall not be used around keel boats from the preparatorysignal of the first race to the end of the last race.
19 Information Protection
The organizer has the right to place cameras onboard for media purposes. For the boat who refuses to carry trackers andcameras supplied by the OA, the OA may decline her registrations, cancel herregistration, or disqualify her race.
20 Disclaimer of Liability
RRS 3 states: “The responsibility for a boat’sdecision to participate in a race or to continue to race is hers alone.” Byparticipating in this event each competitor agrees and acknowledges thatsailing is a potentially dangerous activity with inherent risks. These risksinclude strong winds and rough seas, sudden changes in weather, failure ofequipment, boat handling errors, poor seamanship by other boats, loss ofbalance on an unstable platform and fatigue resulting in increased risk ofinjury. Inherent in the sport of sailing is the risk of permanent, catastrophicinjury or death by drowning, trauma, hypothermia or other causes.
21 Insurance
21.1 Each competitorshall be insured with valid insurance certificate or a proof of third partyliability with a minimum value of RMB 500,000 (including medical insurance) perincident, and an insurance copy with signature in person shall be supplied aspart of completing registration and check in.
21.2 Teams that bringyour own boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance, witha minimum coverage of RMB 200,000 or the equivalent.
22 [NP][DP]Media Rights and Limitations
22.1 The OA owns all the media rights of this regattaand shall carry out these rights at any time appropriate;
22.2 By participating in this event, competitorsautomatically grant to the organizing authority and the event sponsors theright, in perpetuity, to make, use, and show, at their discretion,anyname,photo,profiles and also photography, audio and video recordings of themprior to, during and after the regatta, regardless of the purpose and throughany media around the world.
22.3 [DP][NP]Team members may accept interviews withmedia representatives approved by the OA before, during, and after the regatta,or provide interview materials. The content may include the regatta itself, theexpected performance and strategy of the team, but no negative comments orinterview materials that will cause harm, interference, or adverse effects onthe OA, its officials and employees, the race committee, the protest committee,the measurers, the current or past sponsors.
22.4 Those who are deemed to have acted against theabove regulations by the OA or RC may be penalized accordingly.
23 Prizes
23.1 The first, secondand third place trophies will be awarded for Fleet Racing.
23.2 The first boat inwomen division and social division will be awarded with separate divisiontrophies: If there are no more than 3 boats on each division, then only thechampion will be awarded; There are 4 boats on each division, the first andsecond place trophies will be awarded; 5 or more boats on each division, thefirst, second and third place trophies will be awarded.
23.3 The champion of thewomen division will also be awarded with the Swan Cup trophy.
23.4 The winner ofknockout series will proceed to compete with the defending champion.
23.5 The winner ofChallenger Race will be awarded the China Club Cup trophy.
23.6 If Match Racingcannot be held before the next event due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the winnerof Fleet Racing will be awarded the China Club Cup trophy of 17th China ClubChallenge Match.
24 More information
For entry and more information, please contact:
Tel: +86-0592-5776938 ; +86-13306019431
Email: 248832168@qq.com
Website: http://www.ironrocksailing.com
WeChat Official Account: 中国俱乐部杯帆船挑战赛
Address:Unit E, 11th floor, Sishui Road No.601(Wuyuan BayOperation Center), Huli District, Xiamen, Fujian, China
1. Allparticipants must not pass through or stay in a medium-to-high-risk area within15 days; no exposure to COVID-19 cases or suspectedcases, and provide the hospital nucleic acid test negative certificate within 7days as required;
2. During theentire regatta (except for on the water races), competitors should consciously wearfacial masks and get temperature testing as required;
3. Temperaturemeasuring equipment may be set up on site, and temperature detection for staffsand participants will be carry out strictly . People who have fever and are inquarantine are not allowed to enter the venue. Body temperature exceeds 37.3degrees or are found to have fever, cold, cough, etc., must cooperate withtemporary medical observation;
4. Staffs andparticipants must conduct electronic health pass code verification whenentering the venue. Those who do not have a health code or who are in doubtwill not be allowed to enter the venue;
5. Disposablehand sanitizer is equipped on site for competitors to disinfect;
6. Staffs andparticipants shall register with their real names, and team leaders must havedetailed information such as the identification card, work unit (company),contact numbers and other information of the team members;
7. Theregatta (schedule) will be dynamically adjusted to cope with the changes in theepidemic prevention and control situation and national policies. Theparticipating clubs enter the regatta on a voluntary basis. If the regatta isadjusted, postponed or cancelled, the entry fee will be refunded by the OA.
The notation “[NP]” in a rule means that a boat may not protest anotherboat for breaking that rule. This changes RRS 60.1(a).
The notation “[SP]” means the standard penalties may be used by racecommittee (RC) without hearing. This changes RRS 63.1 and A5. According to thesituation, the penalty shall be the score of the best race of the day plus 3.
1. Rules
1.1. The event will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rulesof Sailing 2021-2024.
1.2. The rules for the handling of boats will apply, and will also apply toany time when the boats are on the water.
1.3. Add to RRS 41 (e): help to recover from the water and return on board acrew member provided the return on board is at the approximate location of therecovery.
1.4. No National/Regional Authority Prescriptions willapply.
1.5. TheInternational J80 Class Rules will not apply.
1.6. The 17th China Club Challenge Match Sailing Instructions.
1.7. If there is any conflict between Sailing Instructions and Notice ofRace, Sailing Instruction will take the preference.
1.8. If there is a conflict between languages, the English text will take precedence.
1.9. Teams should carry their own life jackets that comply with ISO12402-5 orhigherstandard,VHF marine portable radios and portable GPS.
2. SailingInstructions
Sailing Instructions will beavailable at the on-site Registration.
3. Communicationwith competitors
3.1. The official notice board will be located at Wuyuanwan Sailing Boat Port.The on-line notice board will be available at the WeChat group "The 17thChina Club Challenge Match Group".
3.2. [DP]While racing, except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make norreceive voice or data transmissions to any other boats.
4. Eligibility and Entry
4.1. Equipment
4.1.1. The event will besailed in J80 one design class boats.
4.1.2. The OA plans toorganize thirty J80 boats with third party liability insurance and valid certificatesissued by the authority for the Fleet Racing.
4.1.3. Teams may bringtheir own J80 class boats and sails for the Fleet Racing, which shall bemeasured by the RC before racing.
4.1.4. Laminate sails arenot allowed for this event.
4.1.5. Competitors may adjust their own assigned boat.
4.2. Eligibility
4.2.1. Boats may be entered by representing their membernational/area authority, cities, clubs or the owner of the boat approved by OA.
4.2.2. Competitors overeighteen (18) will be eligible to enter this event. The number of crews (includingthe skipper) shall not exceed eight. The total weight of the crews, includingthe skipper shall not exceed 420 kg.
4.2.3. The numbers of crewmust remain the same in each race. No crew member shall be substituted duringthe event.
4.2.4. Teams qualified inthe Match Race of 16th China Club Challenge Match have the priority toregister. The Entry List will be published on the official event website at anytime.
4.2.5. Teams shall have theinsurance as specified in NoR rule21.
4.3. Entry
The entry form and helmsman resume template are available to download onthe official website(http://www.ironrocksailing.com/). The following documentsshall be sent to the email address assigned by the OA of 17th China ClubChallenge Match by August 31st, 2021:
4.3.1. Entry Form (Wordversion), scanned copy or photo of the signed Entry Form;
4.3.2. Helmsman resume;
4.3.3. Team Introduction,including text description no more than 400 words, team members’ photo andvideo, team LOGO (format: AI or CDR).
4.3.4. Teams that bringtheir own boats shall provide their boat’s certificate and insurance (copies)as specified as NoR rule21.
4.3.5. The Organizing Authority will reply by email within 5 workingdays after receiving the entry documents. An entry is not complete untilreceiving the confirmation from the OA.
5. Fee
5.1. Entry fee: 3,000 RMB.
5.2. J80 Boat Chartering fee: 5,800 RMB. (Only for teams who need to charter aboat)
5.3. Damage Deposit: 5,000 RMB. The damage deposit is the limit of liability foreach incident. If there is damage or equipment lost during the race, the damagedeposit shall be reduced by the amount issued by the maintenance manufacturer.The OA may require the damage deposit to be restored back to the original 5,000RMB. If there is no damage, the deposit will be fully refunded by the end ofthe event.
5.4. Defending Champion (the 16th China Club Challenge Match winner)of last event has the right of free entry fee and boat chartering fee.
5.5. Bank details:
Account Name:厦门市顽石航海运动有限公司
Bank Address: 福建省厦门市兴业银行科技支行
Bank Account: 129970 100100 032043
6. Crew Limitations
According to whether there is any professional sailing athlete either activeor retired, and if the team is raced with all female crew, the divisions aremade as follows: :
6.1. Athletic Division: Teams with professional athletes (pro division);
6.2. Social Division: Teams without professional athletes (non pro division);
6.3. Women Division: all crews consist of female.
7. [DP][NP]Advertising
7.1. Advertisingshall only be displayed in accordance with World Sailing Regulation20-Advertising Code. The OA has the right to reject the team’s advertisementsthat conflict with government regulations and the regatta’s sponsors. For anydoubts, please communicate with the OA as early as possible. All possibleadvertisements on the boat shall be briefly listed while registration. If thereare any changes in advertisements, the OA should be informed.
7.2. TheAdvertising right of the racing venue belongs to the OA. If the teams want toadvertise at the venue, they should provide a written request to the OA andonly release the advertisement with the consent of the OA.
7.3. Boatsintending to display their own advertising on hulls, sails or spars provided bythe OA, a written application shall be submitted to the OA and only post theadvertisement with the consent of the OA.
7.4. If the teamdamages the advertising supplied by the OA on purpose, the OA has the right toprotest.
8. Format
8.1. The regatta consists of Qualification Series, Round-Robin Series andChallenger Race.
Racing Format: Qualifying Series——Fleet Racing
Round Robin Series , Challenger Race——Match Racing
8.2. All divisions shall sail the fleet racing on the same course for 4 days.
8.3. There will be 12 boats to qualify for the Match Racing, including: the top10 boats of the overall ranking, and except for those 10 teams, one from SocialDivision and one from Women Division that ranks on the top in each division.For Match Racing, teams must sail with the same crew members as they sailedwith in the Fleet Race. If crews need to be changed, an written application mustbe submitted to the OA.
8.4. All teams will be divided into two divisions according to their odd andeven order in the Fleet Race ranking and sail a double round robin series. Toptwo teams from each division will proceed to the Semi Finals to sail a singleround robin knockout series. The winner of knockout series will be awarded withthe Challenger Cup Trophy of this event and qualifies to challenge thedefending champion.
8.5. The Challenger Race is a match race series (first to win 5 points) betweenthe winner of the Challenger Cup Trophy and the defending champion, which willproduce the 17th China Club Challenge Match champion.
8.6. Prescriptions for the defending champion:
8.6.1. The defendingchampion may compete in the fleet racing and win the prize, but will notparticipate in the knockout series.
8.6.2. The defendingchampion may compete in the round robin series, but only sail a single roundrobin match against each team. Neither the defending champion nor the rivalteam will be scored points.
9. Schedule
August 31st, 2021
Entry Deadline
October 11th, 2021
Boat Drawing
October 13th, 2021
Fleet Racing Registration
/Skipper Briefing/Boat handover
October 14th,2021
Fleet Racing - Day 1
Warning Signal
October 15th,2021
Day 2
Warning Signal
October 16th,2021
Day 3
Warning Signal
October 17th,2021
Day 4
Warning Signal
No more warning signal/Returning boats after race
Prize Giving
October 17th,2021
Match Racing
10. Equipment Inspection
10.1. The boats shall beavailable for equipment inspection on-site at any time.
10.2. Teams may bringtheir own equipment including spinnaker comply with the requirements, but they shallbe measured before racing.
11. Venue
The venue will be at Wuyuanwan Sailing Boat Port,Xiamen, Fujian, China. The venue is shown in Appendix 1. They are for referenceonly, no ground of request for redress shall be made on them.
12. Course
The diagrams in NoR Appendix 2 show the courses,the approximate angles between legs, the order in which marks are to be passed,and the side on which each mark is to be left.
13. Penalties
13.1. RRS 44.1 is changedso that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.
13.2 The decision of theJury Committee will be the final decision as provided in RRS 70.5 or 70.5(b).
13.3 The umpires’decision is final for Match Racing.
13.4 If there is anydamage or loss equipment, a report shall be made to the Organizing Authority,no matter how slight it is.
13.5 Competitors, whichbelieve that another competitor has the responsibility for the damage to theboat, shall submit a protest to the Arbitration Committee after the finish ofthe race that day, and subject to the decision of the Arbitration Committee.Otherwise, the competitor will be responsible for damage to the boat itself.
13.6 On water umpiredrules will apply. Races to be umpired will be advised in the SIs.
14 Scoring
14.1 Ten(10)races will be scheduled. One race is required tobe completed to constitute a series.
14.2 When fewer than 5 races have been completed, aboat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.
14.3 When 5 or more races have been completed, a boat’sseries score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
14.4 The women divisionand all the teams with women crews that sailed all the races during the fleetrace, 0.5 points shall be deducted when calculating their total scores.
15. Chartered Boats
15.1 Boats charteringfees for the regatta are as follows:
Class (amount of boats)
Chartering Fee(insurance included)
Damage Deposit
J80 (thirty boats)
15.2 Equipment provided by the OA will be distributed bydrawing. After returning the equipmentand qualified acceptance by the OA, damage deposit will be fully refunded. Ifany damage occurred, compensation shall be paid.
15.3 No ground of requestfor redress shall be made on the quality of the chartered equipment provided bythe OA.
16 [DP]Berthing
Boats shall be kept in their assigned places asdirected by the OA.
17 [DP]Haul Out Restrictions
Boats shall not be hauled out during the regatta exceptwith and according to the terms of prior written permission of Race Committee.
18 [DP]Diving Equipment And Plastic Pools
Underwater breathing apparatus and plastic poolsor their equivalent shall not be used around keel boats from the preparatorysignal of the first race to the end of the last race.
19 Information Protection
The organizer has the right to place cameras onboard for media purposes. For the boat who refuses to carry trackers andcameras supplied by the OA, the OA may decline her registrations, cancel herregistration, or disqualify her race.
20 Disclaimer of Liability
RRS 3 states: “The responsibility for a boat’sdecision to participate in a race or to continue to race is hers alone.” Byparticipating in this event each competitor agrees and acknowledges thatsailing is a potentially dangerous activity with inherent risks. These risksinclude strong winds and rough seas, sudden changes in weather, failure ofequipment, boat handling errors, poor seamanship by other boats, loss ofbalance on an unstable platform and fatigue resulting in increased risk ofinjury. Inherent in the sport of sailing is the risk of permanent, catastrophicinjury or death by drowning, trauma, hypothermia or other causes.
21 Insurance
21.1 Each competitorshall be insured with valid insurance certificate or a proof of third partyliability with a minimum value of RMB 500,000 (including medical insurance) perincident, and an insurance copy with signature in person shall be supplied aspart of completing registration and check in.
21.2 Teams that bringyour own boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance, witha minimum coverage of RMB 200,000 or the equivalent.
22 [NP][DP]Media Rights and Limitations
22.1 The OA owns all the media rights of this regattaand shall carry out these rights at any time appropriate;
22.2 By participating in this event, competitorsautomatically grant to the organizing authority and the event sponsors theright, in perpetuity, to make, use, and show, at their discretion,anyname,photo,profiles and also photography, audio and video recordings of themprior to, during and after the regatta, regardless of the purpose and throughany media around the world.
22.3 [DP][NP]Team members may accept interviews withmedia representatives approved by the OA before, during, and after the regatta,or provide interview materials. The content may include the regatta itself, theexpected performance and strategy of the team, but no negative comments orinterview materials that will cause harm, interference, or adverse effects onthe OA, its officials and employees, the race committee, the protest committee,the measurers, the current or past sponsors.
22.4 Those who are deemed to have acted against theabove regulations by the OA or RC may be penalized accordingly.
23 Prizes
23.1 The first, secondand third place trophies will be awarded for Fleet Racing.
23.2 The first boat inwomen division and social division will be awarded with separate divisiontrophies: If there are no more than 3 boats on each division, then only thechampion will be awarded; There are 4 boats on each division, the first andsecond place trophies will be awarded; 5 or more boats on each division, thefirst, second and third place trophies will be awarded.
23.3 The champion of thewomen division will also be awarded with the Swan Cup trophy.
23.4 The winner ofknockout series will proceed to compete with the defending champion.
23.5 The winner ofChallenger Race will be awarded the China Club Cup trophy.
23.6 If Match Racingcannot be held before the next event due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the winnerof Fleet Racing will be awarded the China Club Cup trophy of 17th China ClubChallenge Match.
24 More information
For entry and more information, please contact:
Tel: +86-0592-5776938 ; +86-13306019431
Email: 248832168@qq.com
Website: http://www.ironrocksailing.com
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