Reeds Astro Navigation Tables 2021
Kendall Carter [Carter, Kendall]
With tables devised by practical ocean navigators, the Reeds Astro Navigation Tables is the established annual resource of astro-navigation data for yachtsmen, giving all the information necessary to navigate by the sun, moon, stars and planets. Together with a sextant, this book will enable sailors to navigate confidently and safely when out of sight of land. Reeds Astro Navigation Tables is the established book of annual astro-navigation tables compiled specifically for the needs of yachtsmen. It contains all the information the ocean-going sailor needs (without the bulk) in order to navigate by the sun, moon, stars and planets, using tables devised by practical ocean navigators. This book, together with a sextant, will enable sailors to navigate confidently and safely when out of the sight of land.The book continues to feature the well-received additions of the past few years, including forms to help determine True Altitude (for the sun, stars and planets), Calculated Altitude (using the versine formula) and Azimuth (using the ABC Tables), as well as a pro forma for calculating Intercept. With 8 extra pages and an improved layout, there is plenty of space for making notes and calculations.
借助实用的航海家设计的表格,里德斯天文导航表是为游艇驾驶员建立的年度航海数据的年度资源,提供了由太阳,月亮,星星和行星导航所需的所有信息。与六分仪一起使用,这本书将使水手在看不见土地时能够自信而安全地航行。Reeds Astro Navigation Tables是一本既定的年度天文导航表,专门针对游艇夫的需求而编制。它使用实用的海洋导航仪设计的表格,包含了远洋水手需要的所有信息(不包括大量信息),以便通过太阳,月亮,恒星和行星导航。本书与六分仪一起,使水手在出没地时能自信而安全地航行。本书继续以过去几年中广受好评的功能为特色,包括帮助确定True Altitude(用于太阳,恒星和行星),Calculated Altitude(使用versine公式)和Azimuth(使用ABC表)的表格,以及计算截距的形式。有了8个额外的页面和改进的布局,有足够的空间进行注释和计算。
ISBN 13:9781472978677
File: PDF, 4.99 MB
文件:PDF,4.99 MB
Reeds Astro Navigation Tables 2021
Kendall Carter [Carter, Kendall]
With tables devised by practical ocean navigators, the Reeds Astro Navigation Tables is the established annual resource of astro-navigation data for yachtsmen, giving all the information necessary to navigate by the sun, moon, stars and planets. Together with a sextant, this book will enable sailors to navigate confidently and safely when out of sight of land. Reeds Astro Navigation Tables is the established book of annual astro-navigation tables compiled specifically for the needs of yachtsmen. It contains all the information the ocean-going sailor needs (without the bulk) in order to navigate by the sun, moon, stars and planets, using tables devised by practical ocean navigators. This book, together with a sextant, will enable sailors to navigate confidently and safely when out of the sight of land.The book continues to feature the well-received additions of the past few years, including forms to help determine True Altitude (for the sun, stars and planets), Calculated Altitude (using the versine formula) and Azimuth (using the ABC Tables), as well as a pro forma for calculating Intercept. With 8 extra pages and an improved layout, there is plenty of space for making notes and calculations.
借助实用的航海家设计的表格,里德斯天文导航表是为游艇驾驶员建立的年度航海数据的年度资源,提供了由太阳,月亮,星星和行星导航所需的所有信息。与六分仪一起使用,这本书将使水手在看不见土地时能够自信而安全地航行。Reeds Astro Navigation Tables是一本既定的年度天文导航表,专门针对游艇夫的需求而编制。它使用实用的海洋导航仪设计的表格,包含了远洋水手需要的所有信息(不包括大量信息),以便通过太阳,月亮,恒星和行星导航。本书与六分仪一起,使水手在出没地时能自信而安全地航行。本书继续以过去几年中广受好评的功能为特色,包括帮助确定True Altitude(用于太阳,恒星和行星),Calculated Altitude(使用versine公式)和Azimuth(使用ABC表)的表格,以及计算截距的形式。有了8个额外的页面和改进的布局,有足够的空间进行注释和计算。
ISBN 13:9781472978677
File: PDF, 4.99 MB
文件:PDF,4.99 MB