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还记得13年9月过英吉利海峡的时候: 我在Weymouth的一个 帆船俱乐部等风调整;那是一个周日下午,会员们都在上午的场地赛后坐在酒吧聊些战术啥的。然后我就悄悄的把小船锚在他们的浮球上划着登陆艇来到岸边,最后还是被管理人员发现了。 那个大叔指着远处的小绿点问:"年轻人,你要去哪?" "到海峡的另一边,先生。法国!” 大叔笑笑的说:“你要么是十分勇敢要么就是脑子进水了!” 是的,我确实没有十足的把握,但尽量做好充分的准备来应变接下来可能会发生的事情。还记得罗宾爵士的那句话:“在航海界,没有预到港时间,只有目的地!” 就这样我和“随风”号告别了大不列颠开启了在大西洋“浪”的新篇章! I still remember clearly that day in september 2013: we pulled up the mooring buoy at Weymouth sailing club on our way down crossing the English Channel, weather was not favarable hence we had to wait while doing a bit of last minute maintenance. It was a sunday afternoon and all the club members were doing their drinking and party after the morning race then I walked into the bar. The commodore asked me: "where are you going with that little green dot over the horizon, son?" "To the other side, sir. France!" He laughed: “you must be either extremely brave or just a total lunatic!” Yeah he was right about that. It was my first attempt to sail across the Channel with Quadropehnia, with the past few years of experience I was making my best preparation for the unexpectables. Like Sir Robin Knox-Johnston once told me: “In sailing there is no ETA-Estimated time of arrival, only destinations! ” And that was it, the end of chapter UK and begining of our adventure on the atlantic ocean... ... 6年过去了,Quadrophenia已经从英国东部Essex郡的River on Crouch随着季风一路南下绕过法国西北角的Bretagne;穿越Bay of Biscay比斯开湾沿岸路过西班牙的Finistere旧世界尽头(哥伦布发现新大陆前)然后经过大西洋的葡萄牙沿海一直穿越直布罗陀海峡进入地中海了...... 6 years passed, we have sailed from River on courch in Essex around the coast of England then crossing the channel over to Bretagne; passing by Bay of Biscay follwing the atlantic coast down France, Spain, Portugal and then through strait of gibratar into the medditernean sea... Rio du Guadiana是葡萄牙和西班牙安达卢西亚省的分界线,“随风”号在这里停留了两年半。期间认识了很多新的朋友和对另一种航海方式有了新的理解。但在Geraldine与louise的Sao Francisco修道院下河边生活的有些太安逸了,终于在今夏时机成熟我们又开启了新的航程! Rio du guadianna is the border of portugal and Andalusia Spain, we had spent a good 2 years on this river making new friends and exploring the alternative sailing scene. It was getting too comfortable down by the convento de sao francisco, finally it was time to leave and start a new adventure! 从河里回到海上好开心,有一种说不出来的自由感和对未知领域探索的小兴奋!Some people dream of dreams, others make it h appen! 大海真的很特别,风平浪静的时候像一面镜子;狂风巨浪起来真的很恐怖。 每当太阳快要出现或离开水平线时,黑暗与白天的交接瞬间让我有一种穿越的感觉。 不管在陆地上生活了多久,一旦曾经感受过她的魅力,总是会在孤傲难耐的长夜里随风召唤我的灵魂... ... There is something special about the sea, it is dark, violent&scary sometimes. Evevery shift of day and night, when the sun apprear and diseapprear over the horizon, there is this strange feeling of crossing between worlds arise inside me. No matter how long we have lived on land or how many times we have tried to settle in that normal life, the sea will always be calling us back with the winspering wind in those lonely night... 错过了首次过直布罗陀海峡后掉头停靠在在Barbarte港等东风过去。 Missed our first chance to enter the strait of Gibtratar, waiting for the strong easterly wind to turn in Barbate. 罗卡角的日落,临时停靠在渔船旁边。 Sunset at cabo de Roca, moored alongside fishing fleet. 小王子是我船上的大副,还有来自加拿大北部的Choppa麋鹿与爱沙尼亚小哥留下的看船猫。 停船的时候可以煮饭,番茄,包菜,洋葱胡萝卜还有姜蒜;必须健康营养到位! Le petit prince was my 1st mate, and there was the 2nd mate deer Choppa from north cananda plus our boat watching cat which was left by our estonian friend once stayed with us back in porto. Cook when we are not sailing, I was once voted the best sea chef on the atlantic coast by feeding our gypsie sailing neighbours fried cabbage on rice. Cheap and cheerful, most importantly health! 离开Barbate那天和新认识的乐队朋友合影。 Before leaving Barbate, a photoshot with the "Final de viage" band. 两面船旗,传奇! Boat flag: Same same but different! 适应了海上生活的手根本就弹不了钢琴! Not sure about the sea legs, but I have certainly got sea hands! 今年夏天遇到的最酷单人小船航海家-来自法国诺曼底的卢卡斯和他的小黄。 Singled handed sailor lucas from normandie and his yellow mini. 18年6月18日中午,距离tarifa只剩8海里但被东风顶了回来,首次穿越直布罗陀海峡失败。就差了仅仅1个小时的机会! We had only missed the tide by one hour, but then it was impossible to enter the gibratar strait beating the headwind. 8 natutical miles to Tarifa, I must have tacked about 10 times making no progress only boat breaking hence turned back. 在西班牙地中海马拉加港和新认识的搭船姑娘们 Team Malaga-boat hikers “麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。“ 船长和姑娘们分享云南的普洱茶。 Captain tie is offering tea to sisters... 顺风球帆一路南下航出了Guadianna河 Spinaker run down the rio of guadiana 在我最早开始航海的时候就喜欢上这首诗,分享给还在为梦想犹豫不绝快要迈出艰难第一步朋友们: RISKS - Janet Rand To laugh is to risk appearing the fool, To weep is to risk being called sentimental. To reach out to another is to risk involvement. To expose feelings is to risk showing your true self. To place your ideas and your dreams before the crowd is to risk being called naive. To love is to risk not being loved in return, To live is to risk dying, To hope is to risk despair, To try is to risk failure But risks must be taken, because the greatest risk in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow or love. Chained by his certitude, he is a slave; he has forfeited his freedom. Only the person who risks is truly free.