

2014-3-12 13:33 · 水手之路
来自: 山东烟台


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等级 情态 中文名 风速
0 Calm 无风 0-1 knot
1 Light airs 软风 1-3 knot
2 Slight breeze 轻风 4-6 knot
3 Gentle breeze 微风 7-10 knot
4 Moderate breeze 和风 11-16 knot
5 Fresh breeze 清风 17-21 knot
6 Strong breeze 强风 22-27 knot
7 Moderate gale 疾风 28-33 knot
8 Fresh gale 大风 34-40 knot
9 Strong gale 烈风 41-47 knot
10 Whole gale 狂风 48-55 knot
11 Storm 暴风 56-63 knot
12 Hurricane 飓风 Above 64 knot


等级 情态 中文名
0 Calm Glassy 无浪
1 Rippled 微浪
2 Smooth sea 小浪
3 Slight sea 轻浪
4 Moderate sea 中浪
5 Rough sea 大浪
6 Very Rough sea 巨浪
7 High sea 狂浪
8 Precipitous or Very High sea 狂涛
9 Confused or Phenominal sea 怒涛


等级 情态 中文名 能见距离
0 Dense fog 大雾 0?50m
1 Thick fog 浓雾 50-20m
2 Fog 小雾 200-500m
3 Moderate fog 轻雾 500-1000m
4 Mist or Thin fog 稀雾 1-2km
5 Poor visibility 能见度不良 2-4km
6 Moderate visibility 能见度中常 4-10km
7 Good visibility 能见度好 10-20km
8 Very pood visibility 能见度良好 20-50km
9 Excellent visibility 能见度极好 50k m以上


A aft 在船尾,向船尾
ab\'m abeam 正横
ab\'t about 大约
a/c altered course(GB) 改向,转向
AF astronomical fix (GB) 天测船位
ah\'d ahead 在前,向前
anche. anchorage 锚地
AP anchor position (GB) 锚位
A.P.T. after peak tank 尾尖舱
B bearing (GB) 方位
brg. bearing 方位
B.W.E break water entrance 防波堤口
C course (GB) 航向
CA course of advance (GB) 计划航迹向
CB compass bearing (GB) 罗方位
CC compass course (GB) 罗航向
C.E. compass error 罗经差
CF combined fix(GB) 联合船位
CG course made good (GB) 航迹向
C/O chief officer 大副
com\\\'ced commenced 开始了
Co\'s company\\\'s 公司的
D distance(GB) 距离
Dev deviation(GB) 自差
Dist distance 距离
D.O.P dropped outward pilot 下引航向
EP estimated position 推算船位
EF electronic fix(GB) 电测船位
E.R. engine room 机舱
F fore 在船头,船头
F.O. fuel oil 燃油
F.W. fresh water 淡水
F/W eng finished with engine 完车
GC gyro-compass course(GB) 陀罗航向
GB Gyro-compass bearing(GB) 陀罗方位
G..E. gyro-compass error 陀罗差
Hdg heading(GB) 船首向
I.(id) Island 岛屿
Kn Knot(GB) 节
L log reading(GB) 计程仪读数
Lat latitude(GB) 纬度
L.H. lighthouse 灯塔
LMT local mean time(GB) 地方平时
Long Longitude(GB) 经度
Lt Light 灯光
L/T Long ton 长吨
L.V. light vessel 灯船
Mt. Mountain 山头
Mfh Mouth 河口
Obs\'d Observed 观测的
Pcs. Pieces 件、个、块
P\'d Passed 通过
posn. Position 船位
Pt. Point 岬,海角
Q\'tine quarantine 检疫
RF Radar fix(GB) 雷达船位
RuF Running fix(GB) 移线船位
S/B eng. Stood by engine 备车
S/c Set course 定向
SF Satellite fix(GB) 卫导船位
SP Sounding position(GB) 测深船位
t Ton(GB) 吨
TB True bearing(GB) 真方位
TC True course(GB) 真航向
T.D Tween deck 二层甲板
TF Terrestrial fix(GB) 陆测船位
Var variation 磁差
Var. variable 不定的,易变的
Vents Ventilators 通风筒
W/T water tight 水密
C compass error(GB) 罗经差
G gyro-compass error(GB) 陀罗差
L% log error(GB) 计程仪改正率


1.R=red 红的
Y=yellow 黄的
BL=blue 蓝的
W=white 白的
B=black 黑的
G=green 绿的
Gr=grey 灰的
Or=orange or amber 橙黄的或虎珀色的
Vi-violet 紫的

2.F=fixed 定光
Fl=flashing 闪光
FFI=fixed and flashing 定闪光
Q=quick flashing 急闪光
VQ=very quick flashing 甚急闪
IntQ=interrupted quick flashing 断急闪
Oc=occulting 明暗光
Iso=isophase 等明暗光
Mo=Morse 摩斯码语
AL=alternating 互光
ec(1)=eclipse 灭,暗
TD=temporarily discontinued 暂时停止
TE=temporarily extinguished 暂时熄灭

3.Lt.=light 灯标,灯
Dir.Lt.=directional light 定向灯
Ldg Lts=leading lights 迭标导灯
Lt Ho=light house 灯塔
Lt F.=light float 船形灯浮
Lt V.=light vessel 灯船
Ra=coast Radar Station 海岸雷达站
Ra refl.=radar reflector 雷达反射器
Racon=radar responder beacon雷达应答标
RC=circuler radiobeacon 环射无线电指向标
R.D.=directional radiobeacon 定向性无线电指向标
R.G.=radio direction finding station 无线电测向站
R/T=radio telephone 无线电话
R.W.=rotating loop radiobeacon 旋转无线电指向标

4.Fog signals 雾号
Explos.(Explos) Explosive fog signal 爆音雾号
Dia.(Dia) Diaphone 低音雾笛
Siren.(Siren) Fog siren 雾笛
Horn.(Horn) Fog horn 雾角
Bell.(Bell) Fog bell 雾钟
Whis.(Whis) Fog Whistle 雾哨
Reed.(Reed) Reed 低音雾角
Gong.(Gong) Fog gong 雾锣
Mo.(Mo) Morse code fog signal 摩斯雾信号


(1) Cases 箱装货
seal off 保险铅印(封条)脱落
seal missing 保险铅印(封条)失落
nails off 铁钉脱落
nails started (nails loose) 钉松
case with nail holes 箱板有钉洞
case re-nailed 箱子翻钉
hoops (bangs) missing 箍失落
case plank (board) bulged 箱板凸出
case plank (board) dented 箱板凹
case plank (board) broken 箱板破
case plank (board) split (cracked) 箱板裂
case plank (board) warped 箱板弯翘
case plank (board) patched 箱板修补
case plank (board) scorched 箱板焦
bottom skid broken 箱底焦
oil-stained (stained by oil) 箱底托木断
wet-stained 油渍
stained by moisture 湿渍
contents stained 内货沾污
contents exposed 内货外露
contents short 内货短少
contents leaking out 内货漏出
contents short weight 内货重量不足
contents empty 内货全无
contents unknown 内货不详
contents smelling out 内货气味外溢
case crushed 箱子压坏
top of case crushed 箱顶压坏
case deformed (mis-shaped) 箱子变形
case upside down (arrow mark down) 箱子倒置
second-hand case planks 旧箱板
old case (used case) 旧箱
frail case 箱子不牢固
marks indistinct 标志不清
damaged by hooks 钩损
damaged owing to collision 撞损
damaged owing to pressing (squeezing) 挤损
damaged owing to crushing 压损
damaged owing to towing 拖损

(2)Bags 袋装货
seam slack 缝口松
seam open 缝口松开
cover with small holes 袋皮有小洞
hook holes 手钩破洞
bags leaky 袋子漏
bags torn 袋子破
bags empty 袋子空
bags covers dirty (dirtstained) 袋子有脏渍
bags cover torn 袋皮破
bags stained by contents 袋子被内货渍污
bags stained by syrup 袋子被糖汁渍污
bags stained by sweat 袋子被汗渍水渍污
oil-stained 油渍
dry oil stains 干油渍
water-stained 水渍
dry water stains 干水渍
wet-stained 湿渍
wet with (by) water 水湿
wet with (by) rain 雨湿
wet with moisture (damp) 潮湿渍
soaked, saturated 浸湿
damp amd mouldy 潮湿发霉
mouldy, moulded, mildewy, mildewed 霉,霉点
rotten 霉烂
melted 融化
tainted 腐烂
damaged by insects 虫损
worm-eaten 虫咬(玉米)
damaged by rats 鼠咬
damaged by fire 烧损
contents exposed 内货外露
contents running out 内货脱出
contents sprouting 内货发芽
contents becoming molasses 内货变糖浆
contents melted 内货融化
second-hand bags (used bags) 旧袋
repaired (mended) bags 修补袋
re-seamed (bags) 重缝袋
empty spare bags 备用空袋

(3)Bales 包装货
bales slack 松包
bales off 散包
hoops off 箍脱落
cover torn 包皮破
cover torn by hand hooks 手钩扯破包皮
hook holes 手钩破洞
cover dirty 包皮脏渍
oil-stained (stained by oil) 油渍
dirt-stained 脏渍
wet-stained 湿渍
wet with sweat 汗湿渍
wet with moisture 潮湿渍
water-stained 水渍
dry water stains 干水渍
mildew-stained 霉渍点
mould- stained 霉渍
bales burst 炸包
scorched 烧焦

(4)Bundles 捆装货
bundles off 散捆
hoops off 箍脱落
hoops missing 箍失落
rings off 圆箍脱落
rings missing 圆箍失落
screws damaged 螺丝口损坏
bundles slack (loose) 松捆
bundles deformed 捆变形
joint off 接头失落
metal-envelope rusty 金属包皮锈
cover rusty 包皮锈
cover off 包皮脱落
cover missing 包皮失落
edge folded 卷边
corner folded 卷角
pipes (tubes) bent 管子弯曲
pipes (tubes) split 管子裂
pipe ends split 管子口裂
pipe dented on both ends 管子两头凹进
screwing threads damaged 螺丝口残损
chafes 擦损
frayed 磨损
scratched 划损
chipped 切损
hole by forklift hands (fork arms) 叉式装卸车齿洞

(5) Barrels and Drums 桶装货
cap (top, head ) off 桶盖脱落
staves off 桶板脱落
bungs off 桶塞脱落
hoops off (bands off) 桶箍脱落
hoops rusty 桶箍锈
drums leaky (leaking) 桶漏
drums oozing 桶渗漏
contents leaking out 内货漏出
rusty and leaky 锈和漏损
rusty and dented 锈和瘪损
drum lib loose 桶盖松
drum lid missing 桶盖脱落
bottom off 脱底
drums empty 空桶
drums rusty 锈桶
drums dented 瘪桶
drums bulged 凸桶
drums re-soldered (re-welded) 重焊桶

(6)Cans and jars 罐坛货
oozing 渗漏
leaking 漏
slightly leaking 微漏
sprung out (内容物)涌出
cracked 撞裂
broken 打破
tops off 无盖;脱盖
bottoms off 脱底
bungs off 塞子脱落
heads broken 罐顶打破

(7) Rubber bales 包装橡胶
water-stained 水渍
dry water stains 干水渍
oil-stained 油渍
dry oil stains 干油渍
dirt-stained 脏渍
mould-stained 霉渍
sticky 发粘
two bales sticking together 两包粘在一起
corroded by oil 受油腐蚀
cover torn 包皮破
marking indistinct 标志不清
狼兔腾 来自: 山东
2014-3-12 13:33


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等级 情态 中文名 风速
0 Calm 无风 0-1 knot
1 Light airs 软风 1-3 knot
2 Slight breeze 轻风 4-6 knot
3 Gentle breeze 微风 7-10 knot
4 Moderate breeze 和风 11-16 knot
5 Fresh breeze 清风 17-21 knot
6 Strong breeze 强风 22-27 knot
7 Moderate gale 疾风 28-33 knot
8 Fresh gale 大风 34-40 knot
9 Strong gale 烈风 41-47 knot
10 Whole gale 狂风 48-55 knot
11 Storm 暴风 56-63 knot
12 Hurricane 飓风 Above 64 knot


等级 情态 中文名
0 Calm Glassy 无浪
1 Rippled 微浪
2 Smooth sea 小浪
3 Slight sea 轻浪
4 Moderate sea 中浪
5 Rough sea 大浪
6 Very Rough sea 巨浪
7 High sea 狂浪
8 Precipitous or Very High sea 狂涛
9 Confused or Phenominal sea 怒涛


等级 情态 中文名 能见距离
0 Dense fog 大雾 0?50m
1 Thick fog 浓雾 50-20m
2 Fog 小雾 200-500m
3 Moderate fog 轻雾 500-1000m
4 Mist or Thin fog 稀雾 1-2km
5 Poor visibility 能见度不良 2-4km
6 Moderate visibility 能见度中常 4-10km
7 Good visibility 能见度好 10-20km
8 Very pood visibility 能见度良好 20-50km
9 Excellent visibility 能见度极好 50k m以上


A aft 在船尾,向船尾
ab\'m abeam 正横
ab\'t about 大约
a/c altered course(GB) 改向,转向
AF astronomical fix (GB) 天测船位
ah\'d ahead 在前,向前
anche. anchorage 锚地
AP anchor position (GB) 锚位
A.P.T. after peak tank 尾尖舱
B bearing (GB) 方位
brg. bearing 方位
B.W.E break water entrance 防波堤口
C course (GB) 航向
CA course of advance (GB) 计划航迹向
CB compass bearing (GB) 罗方位
CC compass course (GB) 罗航向
C.E. compass error 罗经差
CF combined fix(GB) 联合船位
CG course made good (GB) 航迹向
C/O chief officer 大副
com\\\'ced commenced 开始了
Co\'s company\\\'s 公司的
D distance(GB) 距离
Dev deviation(GB) 自差
Dist distance 距离
D.O.P dropped outward pilot 下引航向
EP estimated position 推算船位
EF electronic fix(GB) 电测船位
E.R. engine room 机舱
F fore 在船头,船头
F.O. fuel oil 燃油
F.W. fresh water 淡水
F/W eng finished with engine 完车
GC gyro-compass course(GB) 陀罗航向
GB Gyro-compass bearing(GB) 陀罗方位
G..E. gyro-compass error 陀罗差
Hdg heading(GB) 船首向
I.(id) Island 岛屿
Kn Knot(GB) 节
L log reading(GB) 计程仪读数
Lat latitude(GB) 纬度
L.H. lighthouse 灯塔
LMT local mean time(GB) 地方平时
Long Longitude(GB) 经度
Lt Light 灯光
L/T Long ton 长吨
L.V. light vessel 灯船
Mt. Mountain 山头
Mfh Mouth 河口
Obs\'d Observed 观测的
Pcs. Pieces 件、个、块
P\'d Passed 通过
posn. Position 船位
Pt. Point 岬,海角
Q\'tine quarantine 检疫
RF Radar fix(GB) 雷达船位
RuF Running fix(GB) 移线船位
S/B eng. Stood by engine 备车
S/c Set course 定向
SF Satellite fix(GB) 卫导船位
SP Sounding position(GB) 测深船位
t Ton(GB) 吨
TB True bearing(GB) 真方位
TC True course(GB) 真航向
T.D Tween deck 二层甲板
TF Terrestrial fix(GB) 陆测船位
Var variation 磁差
Var. variable 不定的,易变的
Vents Ventilators 通风筒
W/T water tight 水密
C compass error(GB) 罗经差
G gyro-compass error(GB) 陀罗差
L% log error(GB) 计程仪改正率


1.R=red 红的
Y=yellow 黄的
BL=blue 蓝的
W=white 白的
B=black 黑的
G=green 绿的
Gr=grey 灰的
Or=orange or amber 橙黄的或虎珀色的
Vi-violet 紫的

2.F=fixed 定光
Fl=flashing 闪光
FFI=fixed and flashing 定闪光
Q=quick flashing 急闪光
VQ=very quick flashing 甚急闪
IntQ=interrupted quick flashing 断急闪
Oc=occulting 明暗光
Iso=isophase 等明暗光
Mo=Morse 摩斯码语
AL=alternating 互光
ec(1)=eclipse 灭,暗
TD=temporarily discontinued 暂时停止
TE=temporarily extinguished 暂时熄灭

3.Lt.=light 灯标,灯
Dir.Lt.=directional light 定向灯
Ldg Lts=leading lights 迭标导灯
Lt Ho=light house 灯塔
Lt F.=light float 船形灯浮
Lt V.=light vessel 灯船
Ra=coast Radar Station 海岸雷达站
Ra refl.=radar reflector 雷达反射器
Racon=radar responder beacon雷达应答标
RC=circuler radiobeacon 环射无线电指向标
R.D.=directional radiobeacon 定向性无线电指向标
R.G.=radio direction finding station 无线电测向站
R/T=radio telephone 无线电话
R.W.=rotating loop radiobeacon 旋转无线电指向标

4.Fog signals 雾号
Explos.(Explos) Explosive fog signal 爆音雾号
Dia.(Dia) Diaphone 低音雾笛
Siren.(Siren) Fog siren 雾笛
Horn.(Horn) Fog horn 雾角
Bell.(Bell) Fog bell 雾钟
Whis.(Whis) Fog Whistle 雾哨
Reed.(Reed) Reed 低音雾角
Gong.(Gong) Fog gong 雾锣
Mo.(Mo) Morse code fog signal 摩斯雾信号


(1) Cases 箱装货
seal off 保险铅印(封条)脱落
seal missing 保险铅印(封条)失落
nails off 铁钉脱落
nails started (nails loose) 钉松
case with nail holes 箱板有钉洞
case re-nailed 箱子翻钉
hoops (bangs) missing 箍失落
case plank (board) bulged 箱板凸出
case plank (board) dented 箱板凹
case plank (board) broken 箱板破
case plank (board) split (cracked) 箱板裂
case plank (board) warped 箱板弯翘
case plank (board) patched 箱板修补
case plank (board) scorched 箱板焦
bottom skid broken 箱底焦
oil-stained (stained by oil) 箱底托木断
wet-stained 油渍
stained by moisture 湿渍
contents stained 内货沾污
contents exposed 内货外露
contents short 内货短少
contents leaking out 内货漏出
contents short weight 内货重量不足
contents empty 内货全无
contents unknown 内货不详
contents smelling out 内货气味外溢
case crushed 箱子压坏
top of case crushed 箱顶压坏
case deformed (mis-shaped) 箱子变形
case upside down (arrow mark down) 箱子倒置
second-hand case planks 旧箱板
old case (used case) 旧箱
frail case 箱子不牢固
marks indistinct 标志不清
damaged by hooks 钩损
damaged owing to collision 撞损
damaged owing to pressing (squeezing) 挤损
damaged owing to crushing 压损
damaged owing to towing 拖损

(2)Bags 袋装货
seam slack 缝口松
seam open 缝口松开
cover with small holes 袋皮有小洞
hook holes 手钩破洞
bags leaky 袋子漏
bags torn 袋子破
bags empty 袋子空
bags covers dirty (dirtstained) 袋子有脏渍
bags cover torn 袋皮破
bags stained by contents 袋子被内货渍污
bags stained by syrup 袋子被糖汁渍污
bags stained by sweat 袋子被汗渍水渍污
oil-stained 油渍
dry oil stains 干油渍
water-stained 水渍
dry water stains 干水渍
wet-stained 湿渍
wet with (by) water 水湿
wet with (by) rain 雨湿
wet with moisture (damp) 潮湿渍
soaked, saturated 浸湿
damp amd mouldy 潮湿发霉
mouldy, moulded, mildewy, mildewed 霉,霉点
rotten 霉烂
melted 融化
tainted 腐烂
damaged by insects 虫损
worm-eaten 虫咬(玉米)
damaged by rats 鼠咬
damaged by fire 烧损
contents exposed 内货外露
contents running out 内货脱出
contents sprouting 内货发芽
contents becoming molasses 内货变糖浆
contents melted 内货融化
second-hand bags (used bags) 旧袋
repaired (mended) bags 修补袋
re-seamed (bags) 重缝袋
empty spare bags 备用空袋

(3)Bales 包装货
bales slack 松包
bales off 散包
hoops off 箍脱落
cover torn 包皮破
cover torn by hand hooks 手钩扯破包皮
hook holes 手钩破洞
cover dirty 包皮脏渍
oil-stained (stained by oil) 油渍
dirt-stained 脏渍
wet-stained 湿渍
wet with sweat 汗湿渍
wet with moisture 潮湿渍
water-stained 水渍
dry water stains 干水渍
mildew-stained 霉渍点
mould- stained 霉渍
bales burst 炸包
scorched 烧焦

(4)Bundles 捆装货
bundles off 散捆
hoops off 箍脱落
hoops missing 箍失落
rings off 圆箍脱落
rings missing 圆箍失落
screws damaged 螺丝口损坏
bundles slack (loose) 松捆
bundles deformed 捆变形
joint off 接头失落
metal-envelope rusty 金属包皮锈
cover rusty 包皮锈
cover off 包皮脱落
cover missing 包皮失落
edge folded 卷边
corner folded 卷角
pipes (tubes) bent 管子弯曲
pipes (tubes) split 管子裂
pipe ends split 管子口裂
pipe dented on both ends 管子两头凹进
screwing threads damaged 螺丝口残损
chafes 擦损
frayed 磨损
scratched 划损
chipped 切损
hole by forklift hands (fork arms) 叉式装卸车齿洞

(5) Barrels and Drums 桶装货
cap (top, head ) off 桶盖脱落
staves off 桶板脱落
bungs off 桶塞脱落
hoops off (bands off) 桶箍脱落
hoops rusty 桶箍锈
drums leaky (leaking) 桶漏
drums oozing 桶渗漏
contents leaking out 内货漏出
rusty and leaky 锈和漏损
rusty and dented 锈和瘪损
drum lib loose 桶盖松
drum lid missing 桶盖脱落
bottom off 脱底
drums empty 空桶
drums rusty 锈桶
drums dented 瘪桶
drums bulged 凸桶
drums re-soldered (re-welded) 重焊桶

(6)Cans and jars 罐坛货
oozing 渗漏
leaking 漏
slightly leaking 微漏
sprung out (内容物)涌出
cracked 撞裂
broken 打破
tops off 无盖;脱盖
bottoms off 脱底
bungs off 塞子脱落
heads broken 罐顶打破

(7) Rubber bales 包装橡胶
water-stained 水渍
dry water stains 干水渍
oil-stained 油渍
dry oil stains 干油渍
dirt-stained 脏渍
mould-stained 霉渍
sticky 发粘
two bales sticking together 两包粘在一起
corroded by oil 受油腐蚀
cover torn 包皮破
marking indistinct 标志不清
2014-3-12 13:33
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