Atlantic Blue 大西洋蓝 Red, green and grey:Three reef lines dangle with the wind.On endless swells of sapphire,Sun rays congregate to whisper stories of the sea.My favorite colour, Atlantic blue. 红、绿、灰三条缩帆绳随风飞无际宝石蓝的波浪上无数光斑如期而至低声吟唱海洋的故事我最爱大西洋蓝
A spumy trail dances in our wake.But for a few grey smudges and some ethereal wraiths the sky above is pristinely azure. My favorite colour, Atlantic blue. 在船尾洁白的浪花迎风起舞上苍除了些许淡淡的墨渍和幽灵般的彩云呈现的是无可挑剔的蔚蓝色我最爱大西洋蓝
Hands on the helm, breeze on my cheeks:like a tattered end sign cut loose in the wind, yesterday’s troubles fly away!My favorite colour, Atlantic blue. 双手握着方向盘,春风吹拂昨日的困惑犹如一面破烂不堪的旗帜随风而去我最爱大西洋蓝
Atlantic Blue 大西洋蓝 Red, green and grey:Three reef lines dangle with the wind.On endless swells of sapphire,Sun rays congregate to whisper stories of the sea.My favorite colour, Atlantic blue. 红、绿、灰三条缩帆绳随风飞无际宝石蓝的波浪上无数光斑如期而至低声吟唱海洋的故事我最爱大西洋蓝
A spumy trail dances in our wake.But for a few grey smudges and some ethereal wraiths the sky above is pristinely azure. My favorite colour, Atlantic blue. 在船尾洁白的浪花迎风起舞上苍除了些许淡淡的墨渍和幽灵般的彩云呈现的是无可挑剔的蔚蓝色我最爱大西洋蓝
Hands on the helm, breeze on my cheeks:like a tattered end sign cut loose in the wind, yesterday’s troubles fly away!My favorite colour, Atlantic blue. 双手握着方向盘,春风吹拂昨日的困惑犹如一面破烂不堪的旗帜随风而去我最爱大西洋蓝