我感觉你说的很多感念都跟船厂官方说法有出入啊...., 船厂可不是这么解释为什么用泡沫和轻木的。我说的帆船那些品牌,渔船摩托艇这些我没关注过。我就不去找船厂原文了,就引用上面Cruising world文章里的一段话,你好好读读,这是我一直看到的公认的说法,不管是泡沫还是轻木都提供了很好的强度,你说的不受力这些我从来没听说过...
Sandwich Construction
In a sandwich, you have an outer skin of reinforced resin, a core in the middle, and then an inner skin of reinforced resin. In engineering terms, the sandwich structure functions like an I-beam: By separating the two skins across a low-density core, it can achieve tremendous strength with remarkably little weight. The resulting structure withstands the bending loads a boat encounters in waves extremely well. The materials used most often to create those low-density cores include end-grain balsa wood, linear PVC foam and cross-linked PVC foam, plus a handful of others. |