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广西壮族自治区体育局 钦州市人民政府 承办单位:钦州市滨海新城管理委员会 协办单位:钦州市体育局 钦州市滨海新城置业集团有限公司 广西浩睿文化体育传媒有限公司
1.规则 1.1 比赛遵循国际帆联2014-2016年国际 帆船竞赛规则(RRS)所界定的帆船竞赛规则。 1.2 国家/地区管理机构的规定不适用本次比赛。 1.3 本赛事竞赛通知可能会于竞赛细则及其之后的补充更改。 1.4 因规则语言版本引起的争议,则以英文版本内容为主。
2.广告 组委会将按照国际帆联(ISAF)章程 20 条的规定在参赛船船体及帆面上张贴由组委会选定和提供的广告。参赛队不得在赛船上展示其它广告内容,除非事先得到组委会书面确认。
3.资格和报名 3.1 比赛对本地和国际 水手(船队)开放,参赛者可以是国家队,城市队,俱乐部或船东,并以俱乐部或帆船队为单位报名参赛。 3.2 报名参加比赛的赛队每队可报领队和队员共计最多6名。 3.3 比赛时每条船任何时刻必须保持不少于3名但不超过5名船员。上船参赛人员总重不得超过360Kg。各队在报名时需要如实提供各船员体重,赛前组委会也将为各个赛队队员称重。 3.5 所有参加本次比赛的运动员将自动同意主办机构及其赞助商根据需要在赛事期间及之后制作、使用和展示平面及各类多媒体制品(包括直播、录播和电视电影等)时无偿使用其姓名、肖像和其他资料。
4.比赛项目 比赛的项目与级别如下: 此次比赛采用场地航线赛竞赛模式,设立J80统一设计级龙骨 帆船比赛级别,预计参赛队伍为12支。根据参赛队伍报名情况,赛事组委会保留增加参赛队伍数量或增加赛事级别的权利。 有关“J80”龙骨帆船的介绍,请查阅网页:
5.费用 5.1每个参赛队免报名费。 5.2 各队报到时需缴纳器材使用押金4000元(必须人民币现金或等额外币现金支付)。 5.3 在钦州参赛期间,本次赛事主办方提供食宿。所有赛队在开幕式和闭幕式期间必须穿着主办方提供的服装。 5.4 参赛器材为组委会统一提供的J80,赛队可在12月02日起领取比赛器材。如需提前抵达并租赁船只训练,可联系组委会在12月02日前安排相应的赛前训练,J80使用租金是1000元/天。
6.日程安排 6.1 比赛日程如下: 2016 年12月2日9点-15点之间,各队在指定地点报到(报名成功后,参见组委会发出的补充内容)。报到时参赛队需要完成如下事项: 6.1.1.交付器材使用押金4000元。 6.1.2. 参加器材抽签,到码头领用并签收各自的赛船。 6.2 12月4日15点00分以后不再发出比赛预告信号。
7.丈量 各参赛队伍不得随意更换、变动组委会提供的统一设计组别器材的任何部件,赛事不接受各种自带器材参赛;如有需更换损坏的器材,须向竞赛委员会提出书面申请,将损坏的器材和待更换的新器材交给丈量委员会检查并获得同意后方可使用或更换。仲裁委员会可以对这样的器材更换给予最终意见。
8.航行细则 各个赛队在完成现场报名后,将获得由组委会提供的竞赛航行细则。
9.场地 比赛区域是广西省钦州市茅尾海水域。附录 A 是比赛水域的示意图。
10.航线 航线赛为迎尾风航线,具体见航行细则。
11.惩罚办法 11.1 规则 44.1 更改为将转动两圈惩罚变成一圈。 11.2 仲裁委员会的裁决为最终裁决。
12.计分 12.1 采用帆船竞赛规则附录A之低分计分法。 12.2计划进行9轮竞赛。至少完成1轮成绩才能有效,如果比赛少于5轮,则各赛队成绩就是其所有完成的竞赛轮成绩的总和。如果完成5轮或5轮以上则去掉一轮最差分数。
13.工作艇 各工作艇、媒体船等辅助艇在第一轮比赛的预告信号发出之后直至所有船只都冲过终点之前的时间里,或者竞委会在发出全召或者放弃信号之前,必须避开比赛区域。
14.泊船 参赛船只必须在组委会指定的位置停靠。
15.吊船限制 在赛事期间需事先得到竞赛委员会书面许可方能将船吊离水面。
16.潜水装备与塑料浮圈 从第一场比赛的预告信号开始直到整个赛事结束期间,不允许在船周围使用潜水呼吸器与塑料浮圈或类似装备。
17.无线电通讯 17.1比赛期间,每个队伍需自带手持海事通讯电台。各赛队需要全程守听竞赛委员会官方频道VHF72,备用频道VHF77。除非遇到紧急状况或竞赛细则允许的前提下,各参赛队禁止使用无线电通讯设备对外进行联系(此限制也适用于移动电话)。 17.2若参赛队没有自备海事电台,可向组委会租用,租金500元,押金1000元。
18.奖励 冠军 RMB 30000元 亚军 RMB 20000元 季军 RMB 10000元 第四名 RMB 8000元 第五名 RMB 6000元 第六名 RMB 4000元 19.安全 当比赛开始前,赛事指挥船上升起Y旗后,所有参赛选手在水上时必须穿戴救生衣,否则其所在赛队将被取消成绩;干式或湿式航海服不能被视作充分的个人救生设备。
20.免责声明 参赛选手须自己承担参赛的风险和责任。见规则RRS4-决定参赛。组委会不对赛事期间可能发生的任何人员伤亡,器材损坏和丢失负责。
22.补充说明 未尽事宜另行补充通知,需要更多信息请联系赛事联系人,或及时关注赛事邮件。
23.组委会信息及联系方式: 报名咨询: 联系人:张羽 李妮 电话:18078499539 18897820393
接待咨询: 联系人:张羽 李妮 电话:18078499539 18897820393
组委会电话:+86-772-8806666 组委会传真:+86-772-8805555 附录A 比赛水域图 3. ELIGIBILITY &ENTRY 3.1 The regatta is open to entries from local and international sailors (andcrew) that may be representing a country/a city/a club (or simply an individualboat owner). 3.2 The maximum number of skipper and crewmembers in each team is 6. 3.3 The crew members on a boat shall not fewer than 3 but not more than 5 at anymoment in the race. The total weight of all crew members on a boat shall not exceed 360Kg. Each team will beweighed at the time of registration (please bring the entire team). Any crewsubstitutions need to make sure thatweight is checked bythe organizing committee prior to the race. 3.4 Entry Form together with the photos with all crew membersand the skipper, introduction of the team (About 500 words in both Englishand Chinese) shall be sent to 2016team@ssyth.com no later than November20th, 2016. 3.5By participating in the regatta, a competitor automatically grants the organizing committee and its sponsors the right touseand display hisher names, portraits and other materials in any graphic andmultimedia productions (live and taped television programs and movies etc.) during and after the period of the regattawithout compensation.
4.EVENTS The regatta will use windward-leeward course model,and theclass will be the International J/80 Class.There will be 12 teams in the regatta. The race committee reserves the right toadd more teams or more classes according to the situation. Please refer to the web of J80's introduction:
5. FEES 5.1 Theorganizing committee does not charge entryfee. 5.2 Each team shall pay for refundable damage deposit RMB 4,000 (Or equal foreign currency). 5.3 Accommodations andmeals will be provided by the organizingcommittee during theregatta. All the teams shall wear the clothes provided by the organizing committee in the opening and closing ceremonies. 5.4 Teamswill receive J80 boats provided by the organizing committee on 2nd December. Any teams inneed of boats before 2nd December shall contact the organizingcommittee. The rent of each J80 boat is RMB 1,000 per day.
6. SCHEDULE 6.1 Schedule of the regatta Registrationstarts at 9 AM to 15 PM on 2ndDecember 2016 (See the supplementary contents issued by the organizing committee after the registration). Registration process includes: 6.1.1 Paying refundable damage deposit RMB 4,000. 6.1.2 Boat drawing and boat checking. Time | | Friday, 2nd December 2016 | | | | | | | | | Saturday, 3rd December 2016 | | | | | | | | | Monday, 5th December 2016 | | One-day Trip to Bazhaigou Qinzhou | Tuesday, 6th December 2016 | | | | | |
6.2 Warning signal will not be made after15:00 PM on 4th December.
7. MEASUREMENTS Equipment of One-designClass provided by the organizing committee shall not be replaced or changed. Anysubstitution of the damaged equipment shall be implemented after the submissionof a written application to the race committee and obtaining the approval ofthe measuring committee. Decisions of the Jury on equipment substitutions arefinal.
8. SAILING INSTRUCTIONS The Sailing Instructions will beavailable at registration.
9. VENUE Racing area will be located in the water area ofMaowei Sea, Qinzhou, China. AppendixA shows the location of the racing area.
10. COURSE Detailsof the windward-leeward coursewill be provided in the sailing instructions.
11. PENALTY SYSTEM 11.1 Rule 44.1 is changed so that theTwo-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty. 11.2 The decisions of the Jury will befinal.
12. SCORING 12.1 The Low Point System of RRSAppendix A will apply. 12.2 There will be 9races. One race is required to be completedto constitute a series. When fewer than 5 races have been completed, a boat’sseries score will be the total of her race scores. When 5 or more races havebeen completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excludingher worst score.
13. SUPPORT BOATS All support boats shall stay outsideareas where boats are racing from the time of the preparatory signal for thefirst class to start until all boats have finished or retired.
14. BERTHING Boats shall be kept in the places assigned by the organizing committee.
15. LIFTING RESTRICTION Boats many not be lifted out of thewaterwithout the approval of the organizing committee during the regatta.
16. DIVING DEVICES &Flotation Device Fromthe first warning signal till the end of the regatta, it is notallowed to use Scuba, plastic flotation device or anything similar around the boat.
17. RADIO COMMUNICATION 17.1 Allboats shall bring their own marine band VHF radios.The race committee will monitor channel 72 and alternativechannel 77 during the race. Except inan emergency, a boat shall not make radio transmissions while racing. Thisrestriction also applies to mobile telephones. 17.2 VHF radios are available at the organizing committee. Therent of a VHF radio is RMB 500 and the refundable deposit RMB 1,000.
18. PRIZES TheFirst Place: RMB 30000 TheSecond Place: RMB 20000 TheThird Place: RMB 10000 The 4th to the 6th place: RMB 8000, RMB 6000, RMB4000.
19. SAFETY When flag Y is displayed on the boat ofthe race committee before therace, all competitors must wear life jackets, otherwise the team shall be disqualified. Wet or dry sailingclothing shall not be regarded as life-saving appliance.
20. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their ownrisk. See rule RRS4, Decision of Race. The organizing committee will not accept any liabilityfor material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction within the period of the regatta.
21. INSURANCE Each crewonboard shall be insured with valid personal accident insurance with a minimumcover of RMB 500,000 effective during the regatta and in the racing area. Eachteam shall submit the copies of crew insurance certificates to the racecommittee upon registration.
22. UNSETTLED AFFAIRS Theorganizing committee will inform of the unsettled affairs by email.
23. INFORMATION For further information please contact: Joyce Zhang Tel: +86-18078499539 Jane Li Tel: +86-18897820393 Tel of the Organizing Committee: +86-772-8806666 Fax of the Organizing Committee: +86-772-8805555
Appendix A