
赛事报道 金鸡湖1号•城际内湖杯2016金鸡湖帆船赛公告

来自: 重庆


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金鸡湖1号•城际内湖杯2016金鸡湖帆船赛公告2016-08-30 城际内湖杯


Boat Competition Announcement

2016 October 13th-16th

主办单位 Organizers:

城际内湖杯帆船赛组委会  Lake Cup Regatta Organizing Committee
1.1  比赛遵循国际帆联2013-2016年国际帆船竞赛规则(RRS)所界定的帆船竞赛规则。
The competition rules will be according to the rules of 2013-2016 International Yacht Match.
1.2  国家/地区管理机构的规定不适用本次比赛。
The competition rules that are written by countries or local organizations are inapplicable for this competition.
1.3  本届赛事竞赛通知和竞赛细则及其之后的更改权利由组委会保留。
The organizing committee reserves all the rights including the changes of competition announcements and details.
1.4  因规则语言版本引起的争议,则以中文版本内容为主。
If there are any conflicts to the competition rules due to the different editions of languages, always keep the Chinese edition as your consideration.

2.1  组委会将按照国际帆联(ISAF)章程 20 条的规定在参赛船船体及帆面上张贴由组委会选定和提供的广告。参赛队不得在赛船上展示其它广告内容,除非事先得到组委会书面确认。
According to rule number 20 of International Sailing Federation (ISAF), the surfaces of boasts can only be advertised with the advertisements that are chose and provided by organizing committee. The competition teams are not allowed to show any other advertisements that are not chose or provided by organizing committee, unless the competition teams have already got the documentary approvals from organizing committee in advance.

3资格和报名Qualifications and Registration
3.1  比赛对本地和国际水手(船队)开放,参赛者可以是国家队,城市队,俱乐部或船东,并以俱乐部或帆船队为单位报名参赛。
This competition is open to local and international sailors (teams), competitors can be national teams, local teams, club teams or boats owners, and register as a club or a sailing team.
3.2  报名参加比赛的赛队每队可报队员最多5名。
Each registered competition team can have five members at the most.
3.3  报名时间为:即日起-2016年10月1日,组委会接收报名赛队数量为30支。
Registration date: Today-October 1st, 2016. Organizing committee will accept 30 competition teams
During the competition, at least three and at most five sailors in each boat at any time. The total weights of all the sailors in each boat need to be no more than 360Kg. Each team needs to provide every sailor’s actual body weights at registration, and the organizing committee has the rights to check sailors’ body weights during the competition, the newest competition scores will be canceled if the weights surpass the requirement. In addition, the organizing committee has the rights to dispatch a photographer to each boat.
3.4  各参赛队请于2016年10月1日之前将报名表、船长照片及介绍、船队成员合影及300字左右的赛队文字介绍发邮件给组委会。
All the competition teams need to email organizing committee the application form, photo and introduction of captain, photo of sailors, and a 300 word text description of each team before October 1st, 2016.
3.5  各参赛队以完成报名费支付和收到赛事组委会的确认邮件或传真后,才能确认已完成报名参赛。
Each competition team will not be able to confirm the completion of registration, until each team finish paying registration fees and receive the email of confirmation or fax that organizing committee will send to you.
3.6  完成报名的参赛队伍即可获得抽签资格,抽签方式另行通知。
To the competition teams who complete the registration will be qualified to draw. The ways to draw will be informed later.
3.7  所有参加本次比赛的运动员须同意主办机构及其赞助商根据需要在赛事期间及之后制作、使用和展示平面及各类多媒体制品(包括直播、录播和电视电影等)时无偿使用其姓名、肖像和其他资料。
All athletes participating in this competition will automatically agree with organizers productions, and all kinds of multimedia productions (including live and recorded television movies, etc.)

4比赛项目Competition Events
4.1  比赛的项目与级别如下:
Competition events and levels:
The competition will have the track race and around the island race, choose X80 for Open-Level & J80 keel boat for Pro-level as unified boat design, 25-30 participating teams are expected for attendance. According to the registration teams, the organizing committee reserves the right to increase the number of participating teams or increasing the competition level.
Open-Level can not accept in-service or retired professional athletes.

5.1  参赛队报名费为3500 元人民币(包括船只使用费、参赛礼包、比赛时段午餐、欢迎晚宴、保险费等)。经过组委确认获得参赛资格的队伍,最迟需于2016年10月1日前将报名费汇入组委会指定账户(如果不能按时交纳报名费的赛队将会自动失去参赛资格);若参赛队在10月1日(含)前因故退出,则报名费将被退还;若参赛队在10月1日之后提出退赛,则赛事组委会将不会退还赛队报名费。
The entry fee is 3500 RMB (includes: boat utilization, entry packs*5people, lunch during competition*5 people, welcome & awards dinner*5 people, insurance, etc.)To those qualified teams that confirmed by committee, the latest date to pay the entry fee to a bank account that specified by committee is October 1st, 2016 ( the team will lose competition qualification automatically if fees are not paid on time); if the team inform the committee to quit the competition due to some problems before/on October 1st, entry fees will be returned; however, if the team inform the committee to quit after October 1st, then the entry fees will not be returned.
5.2  各队报到时需缴纳器材使用押金5000元(必须人民币现金或等额外币现金支付),赛事期间如未发生事故,赛后20日内费用清退。
Each team is required to pay a 5000 RMB deposit when utilizing the equipments to (it has to be paid in RMB cash or the equivalent amount of cash in foreign currency), if no accident occurred during the competition, the deposit will be returned within 20 days after the competition.
5.3  参赛器材为组委会统一提供的帆船,赛队可在10月13日起领取比赛器材和试航。如需提前抵达并租赁船只训练,可联系组委会在10月13日前安排相应的赛前训练,船只使用租金是1500元/船/天。
The organizing committee will provide as unified competition equipments, each team can start to get the equipments and start the trials on October 13th. If you are planning to be arrived, rent the boat and start trials before October 13th, you can contact organizing committee and require them to make arrangement for trials before October 13th. The rent for boat is 1500 RMB/boat/day.
6公开组预赛和决赛Preliminaries and finals
6.1  组委会将对全部报名船队进行分组抽签,公开组船队将被分为A、B两组。抽签完成后,各赛队不得以此作为抗议的理由。
The Open-Level total teams will be divided into group A and B by draw. After draw, each team will not be allowed to have any objections to draw.
6.2  通过预赛决出每组的名次,每组的第1至5名分入金组,剩余队伍进入银组。
The ranking of each group will be decided through preliminaries, the top one to top five of each group will be selected into gold group, the remaining teams will go to silver group.
6.3  银组通过决赛,角逐银组冠、亚、季军。
The silver group goes to finals to compete for the winner of silver group.
6.4  金组队伍通过决赛,角逐金组冠、亚、季军、同时冠军颁发公开组赛事流动冠军杯。
The gold group goes to finals to compete for the winner 2015 Lake Cup Regatta of Open-Level.

7专业组预赛和决赛Preliminaries and finals            

7.1  组委会将对全部报名船队进行分组抽签,专业组船队将被分为A、B两组。抽签完成后,各赛队不得以此作为抗议的理由。
The Pro-Level total 10teams will be divided into group A and B by draw. After draw, each team will not be allowed to have any objections to draw.
7.2  通过预赛决出每组的名次,每组的第1名、第2名直接进入决赛,剩余队伍中第3至第4名进入复活赛,优胜者进入决赛。
The ranking of each group will be decided through preliminaries, the top two teams of each group will be selected into finals, the No.3 and No.4 of each group will go to resurrection competition,the best team will be selected into finals.
7.3  通过决赛,角逐专业组冠、亚、季军,同时冠军颁发专业组赛事流动冠军杯。
The five teams goes to finals to compete for the winner of the 2016 Lake Cup Regatta of Pro-Level.

8.1  2016 年10月13日8点-15点之间,各队至组委会报到。
2016-10-13  8:00-15:00, Each team check in at organizing committee.
8.2  报到时参赛队需要完成如下事项:
The things need to be done when checking in:
8.2.1  交付器材使用押金5000元。
Pay 5000 RMB deposit of renting equipments.
8.2.2  到码头领用并试航各自的赛船(提前预约时间段)。
Get equipments at dock and start trials (make an appointment in advance)
9丈量 Measure
Each team are not allowed to change any parts of the equipments that will be provided by organizing committee; if you bring your own equipments for the competition or need to change any broken parts of the equipments, please contact the organizing committee and provide the documentary application, and take your own equipments or broken equipments and the new equipments that need to be changed to measurement committee for checking, you can only utilize your own equipment or change the broken equipments after get the agreement from measurement committee. Also, the arbitration committee will be able to give you some advices on changing equipments.

10航行细则 Sailing details  
After check in, each team will get the sailing details that will be provided by organizing committee.

11场地 Location
The competition location will be at Jinji Lake.

12计分 Scoring
12.1  采用帆船竞赛规则附录A之低分计分法。
The Low Point System is adopted, look up appendix A.
12.2  预赛至少完成1轮成绩才能有效,如果完成6轮(含)以上则去掉一轮最差分数。
The scores will only be valid when finish at least one race in preliminaries; if finish five or more than six races, then the lowest score will be eliminated.
12.3  预赛成绩不带入决赛,决赛完成5轮(含)以上则去掉一轮最差分数,决赛如不能正常进行,将参照预赛成绩。
The scores of preliminaries will not be added into finals, if finish five or more than five races in finals, then the lowest score will be eliminated. If the finals cannot be continued, then the preliminaries scores will be considered.

13工作艇 Working Boat   
All the working boats, media boats and other auxiliary boats must avoid the racing area, after the warning signal has made in the first round until all boats have crossed the finish line, or before the competition committee recall or abandon the signal.

14泊船 Parking
All the boats must be parking at required spots.

15吊船限制The limitation
You can only get your boat out of water after getting the documentary permission from competition committee.

16潜水装备与塑料浮圈 Diving equipments and life buoys

From the warning signal of the first round race till the end of the competition, diving equipments and life buoys or any other similar equipments are not allowed to be used near boats.

17无线电通讯和器材要求Telecommunication and equipments requirements   

During the competition, each team needs to bring your own telecommunication equipments and listen to competition committee’s official channel VHF72, and additional channel VHF77. All the competition teams are not allowed to use telecommunication to contact the people who are outside of the competition unless when emergency occurs or competition details allow.(this limitation includes mobile phones)

18.1  本次比赛将根据不同组别设置奖项:
The awards will be differed based on different levels:
18.2  赛事奖金由获奖方自理个税。
The people who get the bonus are responsible for personal tax.

19安全 Safety   
Before competition starts, the command ship will raise Flag Y, all the athletes will have to wear the life vests when on the water area, if not, then the scores of the whole team will be canceled; dried or wet sailing clothes will not be seen as life buoy equipments.

20免责声明 Disclaimer of Liability
All the people who are attending the competition must be responsible for your own and the risks during the competition. Look up rule RRS4. Organizing committee will not be responsible to anyone’s injuries, equipments damages and lost during the competition.

The organizing committee will decide to whether provide athletes the insurance of life casualty depends on the different situations, each member of sailing team must provide organizing committee actual name and identification number, if not, the committee will not be responsible for his/her insurance.


The bank account information of organizing committee and contact information:
Bank account information:
Corporation name: Redant Multi-media Information Service Co., Ltd. SIP.
Bank: Suzhou SIP branch of China Merchant Bank (please note the name of the competition team when transferring money)
帐号: 512900035810201
Account number:  512900035810201

Registration consultation:        
Email: apple.ho@sailingday.cn            
官网Website: http://cn.lakecup.com        

嵘嵘公主 来自: 辽宁大连
2016-9-6 07:36
2016-9-6 07:57
春秋季节是玩船的黄金季节啊  详情 回复
xiaomo 楼主 来自: 重庆
嵘嵘公主 发表于 2016-9-6 07:36

2016-9-6 07:57
嵘嵘公主 来自: 辽宁大连
xiaomo 发表于 2016-9-6 07:57

2016-9-6 08:01
领航鲸 来自: 中国
2016-9-6 08:24
修改、删除帖子、网站问题咨询请添加我|Solve the problem,Cooperation and consultation
卷卷大魔王 来自: 中国
2016-9-6 09:27


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金鸡湖1号•城际内湖杯2016金鸡湖帆船赛公告2016-08-30 城际内湖杯


Boat Competition Announcement

2016 October 13th-16th

主办单位 Organizers:

城际内湖杯帆船赛组委会  Lake Cup Regatta Organizing Committee
1.1  比赛遵循国际帆联2013-2016年国际帆船竞赛规则(RRS)所界定的帆船竞赛规则。
The competition rules will be according to the rules of 2013-2016 International Yacht Match.
1.2  国家/地区管理机构的规定不适用本次比赛。
The competition rules that are written by countries or local organizations are inapplicable for this competition.
1.3  本届赛事竞赛通知和竞赛细则及其之后的更改权利由组委会保留。
The organizing committee reserves all the rights including the changes of competition announcements and details.
1.4  因规则语言版本引起的争议,则以中文版本内容为主。
If there are any conflicts to the competition rules due to the different editions of languages, always keep the Chinese edition as your consideration.

2.1  组委会将按照国际帆联(ISAF)章程 20 条的规定在参赛船船体及帆面上张贴由组委会选定和提供的广告。参赛队不得在赛船上展示其它广告内容,除非事先得到组委会书面确认。
According to rule number 20 of International Sailing Federation (ISAF), the surfaces of boasts can only be advertised with the advertisements that are chose and provided by organizing committee. The competition teams are not allowed to show any other advertisements that are not chose or provided by organizing committee, unless the competition teams have already got the documentary approvals from organizing committee in advance.

3资格和报名Qualifications and Registration
3.1  比赛对本地和国际水手(船队)开放,参赛者可以是国家队,城市队,俱乐部或船东,并以俱乐部或帆船队为单位报名参赛。
This competition is open to local and international sailors (teams), competitors can be national teams, local teams, club teams or boats owners, and register as a club or a sailing team.
3.2  报名参加比赛的赛队每队可报队员最多5名。
Each registered competition team can have five members at the most.
3.3  报名时间为:即日起-2016年10月1日,组委会接收报名赛队数量为30支。
Registration date: Today-October 1st, 2016. Organizing committee will accept 30 competition teams
During the competition, at least three and at most five sailors in each boat at any time. The total weights of all the sailors in each boat need to be no more than 360Kg. Each team needs to provide every sailor’s actual body weights at registration, and the organizing committee has the rights to check sailors’ body weights during the competition, the newest competition scores will be canceled if the weights surpass the requirement. In addition, the organizing committee has the rights to dispatch a photographer to each boat.
3.4  各参赛队请于2016年10月1日之前将报名表、船长照片及介绍、船队成员合影及300字左右的赛队文字介绍发邮件给组委会。
All the competition teams need to email organizing committee the application form, photo and introduction of captain, photo of sailors, and a 300 word text description of each team before October 1st, 2016.
3.5  各参赛队以完成报名费支付和收到赛事组委会的确认邮件或传真后,才能确认已完成报名参赛。
Each competition team will not be able to confirm the completion of registration, until each team finish paying registration fees and receive the email of confirmation or fax that organizing committee will send to you.
3.6  完成报名的参赛队伍即可获得抽签资格,抽签方式另行通知。
To the competition teams who complete the registration will be qualified to draw. The ways to draw will be informed later.
3.7  所有参加本次比赛的运动员须同意主办机构及其赞助商根据需要在赛事期间及之后制作、使用和展示平面及各类多媒体制品(包括直播、录播和电视电影等)时无偿使用其姓名、肖像和其他资料。
All athletes participating in this competition will automatically agree with organizers productions, and all kinds of multimedia productions (including live and recorded television movies, etc.)

4比赛项目Competition Events
4.1  比赛的项目与级别如下:
Competition events and levels:
The competition will have the track race and around the island race, choose X80 for Open-Level & J80 keel boat for Pro-level as unified boat design, 25-30 participating teams are expected for attendance. According to the registration teams, the organizing committee reserves the right to increase the number of participating teams or increasing the competition level.
Open-Level can not accept in-service or retired professional athletes.

5.1  参赛队报名费为3500 元人民币(包括船只使用费、参赛礼包、比赛时段午餐、欢迎晚宴、保险费等)。经过组委确认获得参赛资格的队伍,最迟需于2016年10月1日前将报名费汇入组委会指定账户(如果不能按时交纳报名费的赛队将会自动失去参赛资格);若参赛队在10月1日(含)前因故退出,则报名费将被退还;若参赛队在10月1日之后提出退赛,则赛事组委会将不会退还赛队报名费。
The entry fee is 3500 RMB (includes: boat utilization, entry packs*5people, lunch during competition*5 people, welcome & awards dinner*5 people, insurance, etc.)To those qualified teams that confirmed by committee, the latest date to pay the entry fee to a bank account that specified by committee is October 1st, 2016 ( the team will lose competition qualification automatically if fees are not paid on time); if the team inform the committee to quit the competition due to some problems before/on October 1st, entry fees will be returned; however, if the team inform the committee to quit after October 1st, then the entry fees will not be returned.
5.2  各队报到时需缴纳器材使用押金5000元(必须人民币现金或等额外币现金支付),赛事期间如未发生事故,赛后20日内费用清退。
Each team is required to pay a 5000 RMB deposit when utilizing the equipments to (it has to be paid in RMB cash or the equivalent amount of cash in foreign currency), if no accident occurred during the competition, the deposit will be returned within 20 days after the competition.
5.3  参赛器材为组委会统一提供的帆船,赛队可在10月13日起领取比赛器材和试航。如需提前抵达并租赁船只训练,可联系组委会在10月13日前安排相应的赛前训练,船只使用租金是1500元/船/天。
The organizing committee will provide as unified competition equipments, each team can start to get the equipments and start the trials on October 13th. If you are planning to be arrived, rent the boat and start trials before October 13th, you can contact organizing committee and require them to make arrangement for trials before October 13th. The rent for boat is 1500 RMB/boat/day.
6公开组预赛和决赛Preliminaries and finals
6.1  组委会将对全部报名船队进行分组抽签,公开组船队将被分为A、B两组。抽签完成后,各赛队不得以此作为抗议的理由。
The Open-Level total teams will be divided into group A and B by draw. After draw, each team will not be allowed to have any objections to draw.
6.2  通过预赛决出每组的名次,每组的第1至5名分入金组,剩余队伍进入银组。
The ranking of each group will be decided through preliminaries, the top one to top five of each group will be selected into gold group, the remaining teams will go to silver group.
6.3  银组通过决赛,角逐银组冠、亚、季军。
The silver group goes to finals to compete for the winner of silver group.
6.4  金组队伍通过决赛,角逐金组冠、亚、季军、同时冠军颁发公开组赛事流动冠军杯。
The gold group goes to finals to compete for the winner 2015 Lake Cup Regatta of Open-Level.

7专业组预赛和决赛Preliminaries and finals            

7.1  组委会将对全部报名船队进行分组抽签,专业组船队将被分为A、B两组。抽签完成后,各赛队不得以此作为抗议的理由。
The Pro-Level total 10teams will be divided into group A and B by draw. After draw, each team will not be allowed to have any objections to draw.
7.2  通过预赛决出每组的名次,每组的第1名、第2名直接进入决赛,剩余队伍中第3至第4名进入复活赛,优胜者进入决赛。
The ranking of each group will be decided through preliminaries, the top two teams of each group will be selected into finals, the No.3 and No.4 of each group will go to resurrection competition,the best team will be selected into finals.
7.3  通过决赛,角逐专业组冠、亚、季军,同时冠军颁发专业组赛事流动冠军杯。
The five teams goes to finals to compete for the winner of the 2016 Lake Cup Regatta of Pro-Level.

8.1  2016 年10月13日8点-15点之间,各队至组委会报到。
2016-10-13  8:00-15:00, Each team check in at organizing committee.
8.2  报到时参赛队需要完成如下事项:
The things need to be done when checking in:
8.2.1  交付器材使用押金5000元。
Pay 5000 RMB deposit of renting equipments.
8.2.2  到码头领用并试航各自的赛船(提前预约时间段)。
Get equipments at dock and start trials (make an appointment in advance)
9丈量 Measure
Each team are not allowed to change any parts of the equipments that will be provided by organizing committee; if you bring your own equipments for the competition or need to change any broken parts of the equipments, please contact the organizing committee and provide the documentary application, and take your own equipments or broken equipments and the new equipments that need to be changed to measurement committee for checking, you can only utilize your own equipment or change the broken equipments after get the agreement from measurement committee. Also, the arbitration committee will be able to give you some advices on changing equipments.

10航行细则 Sailing details  
After check in, each team will get the sailing details that will be provided by organizing committee.

11场地 Location
The competition location will be at Jinji Lake.

12计分 Scoring
12.1  采用帆船竞赛规则附录A之低分计分法。
The Low Point System is adopted, look up appendix A.
12.2  预赛至少完成1轮成绩才能有效,如果完成6轮(含)以上则去掉一轮最差分数。
The scores will only be valid when finish at least one race in preliminaries; if finish five or more than six races, then the lowest score will be eliminated.
12.3  预赛成绩不带入决赛,决赛完成5轮(含)以上则去掉一轮最差分数,决赛如不能正常进行,将参照预赛成绩。
The scores of preliminaries will not be added into finals, if finish five or more than five races in finals, then the lowest score will be eliminated. If the finals cannot be continued, then the preliminaries scores will be considered.

13工作艇 Working Boat   
All the working boats, media boats and other auxiliary boats must avoid the racing area, after the warning signal has made in the first round until all boats have crossed the finish line, or before the competition committee recall or abandon the signal.

14泊船 Parking
All the boats must be parking at required spots.

15吊船限制The limitation
You can only get your boat out of water after getting the documentary permission from competition committee.

16潜水装备与塑料浮圈 Diving equipments and life buoys

From the warning signal of the first round race till the end of the competition, diving equipments and life buoys or any other similar equipments are not allowed to be used near boats.

17无线电通讯和器材要求Telecommunication and equipments requirements   

During the competition, each team needs to bring your own telecommunication equipments and listen to competition committee’s official channel VHF72, and additional channel VHF77. All the competition teams are not allowed to use telecommunication to contact the people who are outside of the competition unless when emergency occurs or competition details allow.(this limitation includes mobile phones)

18.1  本次比赛将根据不同组别设置奖项:
The awards will be differed based on different levels:
18.2  赛事奖金由获奖方自理个税。
The people who get the bonus are responsible for personal tax.

19安全 Safety   
Before competition starts, the command ship will raise Flag Y, all the athletes will have to wear the life vests when on the water area, if not, then the scores of the whole team will be canceled; dried or wet sailing clothes will not be seen as life buoy equipments.

20免责声明 Disclaimer of Liability
All the people who are attending the competition must be responsible for your own and the risks during the competition. Look up rule RRS4. Organizing committee will not be responsible to anyone’s injuries, equipments damages and lost during the competition.

The organizing committee will decide to whether provide athletes the insurance of life casualty depends on the different situations, each member of sailing team must provide organizing committee actual name and identification number, if not, the committee will not be responsible for his/her insurance.


The bank account information of organizing committee and contact information:
Bank account information:
Corporation name: Redant Multi-media Information Service Co., Ltd. SIP.
Bank: Suzhou SIP branch of China Merchant Bank (please note the name of the competition team when transferring money)
帐号: 512900035810201
Account number:  512900035810201

Registration consultation:        
Email: apple.ho@sailingday.cn            
官网Website: http://cn.lakecup.com        

2016-9-6 07:36
2016-9-6 07:57
春秋季节是玩船的黄金季节啊  详情 回复
嵘嵘公主 发表于 2016-9-6 07:36

2016-9-6 07:57
xiaomo 发表于 2016-9-6 07:57

2016-9-6 08:01
2016-9-6 08:24
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